Naya Kitsyo

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, agile, in good shape, a commbead as an aid to get around the station.

Body Features

Light skin, striped fur, dark scales.

Facial Features

Strong features, split jaw, compound eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Glowing stripes on the body.

Physical quirks

Ambidextrous, sometimes scratches implants, has a raptor-like gait when running.

Special abilities

Separation implants.

Apparel & Accessories

Labcoat, general day-to-day knock-arounds, pilot uniform with custom helmet.

Specialized Equipment

Pistol for self-defense, multitool kit, custom VR glasses.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Hermaphrodite, full and proud.




Private, high-grade.


Joined NanoLink GmbH as a willing test subjects for extreme implants, currently continues on this position, while also refining implants further and working on engine design.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Designing a new type of FTL engine alongside Mira.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being caught naked by employers once, getting pranked by other kids in the clan attaching a sticky note to her eyes.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quite intellectual, albeit a bit more practice-oriented than Mira.

Morality & Philosophy

Has a "do no harm" honor code, but it gets somewhat flexible around tests. Less risk averse than Mira, being a pilot of experimental spaceships alongside Chantae.


Bad hygiene, non-consentual experiments.

Personality Characteristics


Making name for herself, alongside Mira.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good with tech and medicals, slightly bad with social sciences (moreso than Mira, due to getting raised even more sheltered).

Likes & Dislikes

LIKES Experimentation, meat on the rarer side, spending time with sibling, DISLIKES writing reports, bureaucracy, spaceship tests going wrong.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, curious, investigative, skilled, good under stress

Vices & Personality flaws

Distractable, bad with documents.

Personality Quirks

Sometimes uses implants for fun. Might use natural light strips for low-light reading. Uses the larger FOV of compound eyes for multitasking at times.


Extremely strict


Contacts & Relations

Mira, Chantae, employes, Kytsyo clan.

Family Ties

Kitsyo clan, Mira

Social Aptitude

Charismatic, but introverted and unsure when speaking before large groups. Works best with 1-2 people around her, especially as a ship pilot.


Tends to lean on their tail while staying up for too long, uses horns as attachment point for equipment, doesn't shy of using compound eyes to look all around


Mira Kitsyo


Towards Naya Kitsyo


Naya Kitsyo


Towards Mira Kitsyo


Wealth & Financial state

Decent payment, as for a researcher
Mira Kitsyo (Sister)