Fire Giant Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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Fire Giant

  Fire giants, called Ildjotunen in their own language, were master craftsmen giants that lived in volcanic and mountainous environments. Fire giants had very broad bodies, making them sort of dwarf-like in appearance, and bulky. They stood roughly 18ft tall, but they weighed over 7,000lbs, much heavier than a Human of that height would weigh. Their skin was very dark, reminiscent of coal, and the color of their hair tended towards a spectrum of flaming orange or red, with similarly colored red eyes.   Their clothing was usually flame-colored or black and singed. They also tended to wear armor that was forged from Steel or Dragonscales.
  Fire giants often considered bravery as being one of the highest virtues anyone could and should have. They relished opportunities in which they could test their fortitude against formidable opponents.  
  Much like all Giants, a Fire Giant could see and hear twice as far as the average Human. Unique to their race were senses well adapted to high temperature environments. Their eyes in particular were capable of seeing through the hazes and shimmers often associated with such temperatures.   Although their bodies were impervious to harm from fire, even that exhaled by a Red Dragon, some fire giants were particularly vulnerable to cold.  
  Fire Giants possessed an average affinity for Runecasting as well as traditional sorcery. This affinity was superior to many of their kin, but paled in comparison to that of Cloud and Storm Giants. They typically preferred to memorize spells that would help them in detecting and thwarting intruders.  
  Fire Giants were known to attack their enemies with rocks heated in fire or lava, thereby softening the targets before engaging in close quarters combat. When it came to close quarters, Fire Giants favored the use of large swords, typically enchanted with flames.   Having had caltrops used against them one too many times, innovative Fire Giants developed boots made of either Iron or Dragonskin to protect their feet. These were typically covered in either fur or leather in order to conceal the material from any crafty magic user that might think to use spells of cold or heat. It was rumored that some Giants had become specialists in fighting with these boots.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Common given names among Fire Giants included the following  
  Fforl, Ffuldr, Fulluk, Hauk, Hulbro, Ilkurt, Snarr, Zund, and Zundr  
  Edrelle, Emba, Ffaelane, Ghenjra, Hulda, Lukue, Marra, and Vrolka.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Fire giants were known to speak the general Giant language Jotun, their own specialized version of it known as Jotunild, as well as Common. However, they were often largely illiterate due to education being undervalued in their culture.


The Fire Giant race began with an individual by the name of Masud, one of the mortal children of Annam, All Father and Othea, who in the kingdom of Ostoria was ceded control of the southern volcanoes. They managed to tame such chaotic environments, building cities of Adamantine and Mithril. Within this mighty kingdom they acted as its craftsmen, engineers, and military officers. Their craftsmen created some of the kingdom's greatest works of craftsmanship.
  Size   Huge   Type   Giant   Alignment   Lawful Evil   Challenge Rating   9  
General Information
Vision   Darkvision, Low-Light Vision   Average Lifespan   350 Years   Homeland(s)   The Elemental Chaos; Prime Material Plane; Ysgard; Heroic Domains of Ysgard   Formerly: The Elemental Plane of Fire   Language(s)   Jotun, Jotunild, Common   Favored Climate   Warm   Favored Terrain   Mountains  
Average Weight   7,500lbs   Skin Color(s)   Coal Black   Hair Color(s)   Bright Orange   Eye Color(s)   Red   Typical Build   Broad

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