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Forseti, God of Justice

Description   Forseti is a male deity of justice in the Norse Pantheon. He is the son of Baldur and Nanna. Forseti is a handsome bearded man. He wears a golden tunic and silver breeches. Forseti is famed for his ability to be fair and impartial in resolving disputes. He is the wisest and most eloquent of the Aesir gods, and nobody has ever found fault with any of his decisions. His primary goal is impartiality. Forseti has never been known to lie.   Forseti can remember any legal argument that has ever been made. He can sense all events involving legal disputes instantly, and perceive instantly any time his name is spoken. He can speak and read all languages, and speak to any beings at a distance of 13 miles. He can discern lies, and compel people to be truthful for one day. He can lay a Geas upon mortals which cannot be removed except by another deity.   He has the ability to cast divine spells as a cleric, and is particularly skilled at divination magic. He also has numerous spell-like abilities, including Foresight, Legend Lore, Sancturary, Shield Other, Stoneskin and True Seeing. He can teleport and plane shift at will.   Though usually peaceful, he is skilled with the longsword and his strikes are particularly deadly against Giants. He is also skilled at hunting Goblinoids, Dragons, Aberrations and Undead. It is said that against someone who has spoken a lie in the past week, Forseti's sword never misses.   Forseti has a hall, Glitnir, a radiant palace with golden pillars and a silver roof. All who enter leave with their disputes settled. It is located within Asgard,
Titles   Peacemaker, God of Justice   Realm   Glitnir, Asgard   Pantheon   Norse Pantheon    Rank   Intermediate Deity   Portfolio   Justice, Law   Gender   Male   Alignment   True Neutral   Holy Symbol   Head of a Bearded Man

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