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Baldur, God of Beauty

Description   Baldur, is a male deity in the Norse Pantheon. He is a god of beauty, and one of twelve seated upon the council at Asgard. Balder is famed for his incredible beauty. It is said that mortal women cannot look upon him without being enchanted. He appears as a handsome well-dressed human with golden hair and a neatly-trimmed beard. He enjoys basking in the grace bestowed by his followers, and is often accompanied by an entourage of women.   It is said that Baldur cannot be harmed by any weapon, except one fashioned from mistletoe. By tradition, wooden weapons and tools are forbidden from his temples. Balder can automatically recall every person or thing of beauty. He is instantly aware of any beautiful object or discussion of comparative beauty, and can sense everything within 14 miles of any of his followers, holy sites, or any place where his name was spoken in the past hour.   He can appraise or craft objects or artworks of stone or metal instantaneously. He can also create magic instruments, art tools and art supplies as he wishes. Baldur'sskill at performance is truly legendary, even by divine standards. His performances can turn enemies into friends.   In combat, he fights with the skill of a berserker. He can enter a berserk rage for an hour, can do so 14 times per day, and is not tired afterward. He is particularly skilled with the Greatsword. He can cast various spells, including healing and protective spells. He has the ability to return the dead to life, and to improve the charisma of worthy individuals.   Baldur's temples are always beautifully designed. They possess a simple, understated elegance. These temples are decorated with great artworks, including carvings and paintings. Gnomish architects and craftsmen are often involved in their construction, and temples to Baldur are more common where gnomes live.   These temples contain workshops where the clergy and visitors may create works of art and hope to receive inspiration from Baldur. Visitors sometimes report being overwhelmed by the grace and beauty of his temples. Like most temples to the Norse gods, Baldur's temples are also well fortified.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Death    Baldur was so beloved by the gods that they sent his mother Frigga to visit every thing in creation and ask it to swear an oath not to harm him. She did this, but ignored mistletoe, thinking it too weak to harm anyone. Thereafter the gods entertained themselves by throwing weapons at Baldur. Loki, the trickster god, became jealous. He discovered Baldur's weakness and sharpened a piece of mistletoe into a dart, giving it to Baldur's blind brother Hod and guiding his hand so that it hit Baldur's heart. Baldur was slain.   Thereafter, Frigga sent Hermod to Hel to offer a ransom in exchange for her son. Hel agreed to return him to life, but only if all of Asgard shed a tear. Loki refused. The Aesir burned Baldur's body on a funeral pyre, and his wife Nanna joined him on the pyre.   Ragnarok   Baldur does not partake in the final battle at Ragnarok, due to being in Hel's realm. Following the death of Hel and her guardians at Ragnarok, Baldur returns to rule over the new world.


Baldur, God of Beauty

spouse (Vital)

Towards Nanna




spouse (Vital)

Towards Baldur, God of Beauty



Titles   God of Beauty, Bright Son   Realm   Briedbalik, Asgard    Pantheon   Norse Pantheon    Rank   Intermediate Deity   Portfolio   Beauty, Light, Music, Poetry   Gender   Male   Alignment   Neutral Good   Holy Symbol   Gem-Encrusted Chalice
Nanna (spouse)

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