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Frey, God of Sunlight and the Elves

Description   Frey is an agriculture deity in the Norse Pantheon. One of the Vanir deities, he is brother to the goddess Freya, son of Njord, and husband of Gerd. His worship is popular among the Elves. Frey appears as a handsome young elven man with brown hair and a moustache. He is six feet tall He often dresses in simple clothing and without armor. Frey is popular among the the gods of Asgard. He is gentle, and inspires loyalty in his followers. A fertility god, he is also famously lusty. Frey spreads cheer wherever he goes. Frey is a pacifist, and always seeks non-violent resolutions to conflict first.   As a deity, Frey is immortal, and invulnerable to dangers such as disease, poison, paralysis, stunning, transmutation, magical imprisonment, and planar banishment. Although a pacifist, he is highly skilled in battle. His strikes deal wounds, regardless of weapon, and his attacks are exceptionally powerful against Giants. He is quick, and always goes first in combat. He moves with extreme speed, both when attacking and avoiding attacks, and can raise a magical shield around himself.   He can shed bright sunlight that harms undead, and can shoot rays of light up to 18 miles. He can control weather at will. He can command any Elves and plant creatures, and can speak with all plants. He can grant increased Dexterity to his allies. He can change his size or assume the form of any creature. Frey can raise any slain mortal being to life, or take away life. He can do so to any number of mortals within one mile in an instant, although the power does not affect Gods.   He can cast spells as a cleric and ranger, and possesses the innate ability to cast various spells, including Barkskin, Blade Barrier, Chain Lightning, Fire Seeds, Prismatic Sphere, Repel Wood, Sunburst, and Wall of Thorns. He can see, hear and sense at a range of 18 miles from himself or any of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any place where one of his names or titles are spoken. He can create any magic item, even legendary ones, related to the control of plants.   Frey is a god of agriculture, fertility, harvest, and the sun. He has power over the domains of air, good, plant, and sun. He automatically senses anything which affects plant life, whether in the land, sea or air; and anything which affects the welfare, arts, crafts, spellcasting, and warfare. He can sense this as far as eighteen weeks into the future.   Frey will fight alongside the Aesir at Ragnarok. He is friendly many the gods of other pantheons, including the Elven deity Corellon Larethian, with whom he has an alliance. He is on good terms with the Daghdha and the Elven Seldarine, particularly with Araleth Letheranil, Elven God of Light.
Titles   God of Sunlight and the Elves, Sunbeam, God of Plenty   Realm   AlfheimAsgard    Pantheon   Norse Pantheon    Rank   Greater Deity   Portfolio   Agriculture, Fertility, Harvest, Sunshine, Elves, Rain, Horses   Gender   Male   Alignment   Neutral Good   Holy Symbol   Ice-Blue Greatsword

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