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Skadi, Goddess of Mountains

Description   Skadi is a deity in the Norse Pantheon. She is the wife of Uller and former wife of Njord. She is credited with creating the seasons of the world of Midgard. Skadi is a female Frost Giant with silver hair. She is often seen standing only 7ft tall, although her natural height is around 15ft; like many of the Norse Pantheon, she has the ability to change her height at will.   Skadi is brave in battle. She first encountered the Aesir when she traveled to Asgard in order to kill Thor for slaying her father. Her bravery so impressed the Aesir that they allowed her to join the Norse Pantheon in exchange for abandoning her blood feud.   Skadi cannot be caught by surprise, except by a more powerful deity such as Sif. She can assume the form of any animal or elemental. She can cast druid spells, handle animals, jump, climb, and find her bearings in the wilderness instantaneously. She can burrow through the earth and sense the location of enemies within sixty feet. She is particularly skilled at tracking, hunting and slaying dragons, undead, magical beasts, aberrations, and vermin, and any weapon she wields is supremely lethal against such creatures. She has all the abilities of a druid and ranger.   Skadi's senses extend to a distance of six miles from herself, her holy sites, holy objects, or any place where one of her titles or names is spoken. She can understand and read all languages, and speak directly to anyone within six miles. Skadi can create any magic item related to mountain climbing or travel and survival in the wilderness, though her ability is limited, and she cannot create legendary items.   She can cast a variety of spells, including Bull's Strength, Disintegrate, Elemental Swarm, Harm, and Implosion. As a Frost Giant, she is immune to cold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Marriage to Njord   Loki, the trickster god, attempted to resolve the situation without the need for violence. He offered Skadi the right to marry any Norse God of her choice, as compensation for the death of her father. However, the Aesir placed a condition that she could only see the Gods' feet. She selected the god with the whitest and cleanest feet, believing they would belong to Balder, handsomest of the gods. In fact, they belonged to Njord, God of the Sea, whose feet were cleanest because he walked in the sea each day.   The two married, but Njord lived by the sea, while Skadi preferred to the cold mountains of Jotunheim. As compromise, she moved back and forth between the two on a yearly cycle. In the world of Midgard, it is said that this movement is what created the seasons.   Skadi eventually found this arrangement untenable. She divorced Njord, and married Uller, and went to live with him in the snowy forested plains of Ydalir. There she was able to take part in her hobbies of hunting and snow-racing with her husband, the only of the Aesir who could match her skill in these arts.


Njord, God of the Sea and Winds


Towards Skadi, Goddess of Mountains

Skadi, Goddess of Mountains


Towards Njord, God of the Sea and Winds

Titles   Snowshoe Goddess, Goddess of Mountains, Goddess of Winter and Skiing   Realm   Ydalir, Asgard    Pantheon   Norse Pantheon    Rank   Lesser Deity   Portfolio   Earth, Mountains   Gender   Female   Alignment   True Neutral   Holy Symbol   Mountain Peak

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