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Freya, Goddess of Love and Fertility

Description   Freya is a goddess in the Norse Pantheon. She is a goddess of love and fertility, and it said to have taught witchcraft to the Aesir. One of the Vanir goddesses, she is sister to Frey and the wife of Odur. Freya appears as an elvish woman with fair hair and green eyes, and often dresses in green. She is admired by gods, giants and men alike for her entrancing beauty.   She is free-spirited, passionate, charismatic, and highly intelligent. She is popular with male deities, and makes her own decisions regarding which men she visits, a fact which a few of the male Aesir find disagreeable. Many scandalous tales are told of Freya, including her dalliance with a group of Dwarven smiths in exchange for the priceless necklace Brisingamen. She enjoys romantic poetry. Freya is strong-willed. She can be impulsive, and prone to anger. However, there is never any evil intent behind her actions.   As a deity, Freya is of superhuman ability, and is immortal unless slain. Her senses extend to a distance of fifteen miles from herself and from any of her worshipers, holy sites, holy objects, or anywhere her name or one of her titles is spoken. She can literally see magic. Freya can take control of any person or creature which has the ability to cast at least one spell. She is herself a skilled sorcerer, and can cast arcane spells instantaneously, including spells beyond the 9th level normally attainable by mortals. She can counterspell instantaneously.   Her combat ability is significant. She can move with supreme speed, dodge attacks, and instantaneously move up to 350ft. Freya can command fire, and remove curses by a touch. She can assume the form of a falcon or any other sort of bird. It is said that no fire can harm her, no bird will ever attack her, and no other being can ever control her actions, even through magic. She can create magic weapons, armor, or other magic items used by fighters, wizards or sorcerers. She can create all but the most legendary of items in this way.   Freya's home is the hall Sessrumnir, whose name means "Hall of Chairs". It stands by Folkvang, the "Field of Folk", in Vingolf, part of what was Vanaheim, now considered part of Asgard. Sessrumnir is a place of luxury, and was gifted to Freya by the Aesir. It is said that no person can enter Sessrumnir unless Freya opens the doors.
Titles   Goddess of Love and Fertility, Lady of Fire   Realm   Sessrumnir, Asgard    Pantheon   Norse Pantheon    Rank   Intermediate Deity   Portfolio   Fertility, Love, Magic, Vanity   Gender   Female   Alignment   Neutral Good   Holy Symbol   Falcon

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