Jörmungandr, Midgard Serpent Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Jörmungandr, Midgard Serpent

Jormungandr, the World Serpent, called also Iormungandr, Miðgarðsormr, or the Midgard Serpent, is a massive unique dragon of world-spanning size. The World Serpent is a truly enormous serpent, measured at 25,000 miles long. He is so large that he encircles the entire world. His movement is what causes the crashing waves and storms at sea. Such is Jormungandr's size and fame that the highest mountain range in Muspelheim, called the Serpent's Spine is named for the World Serpent   Jormungandr is so enormous and quick that it is nearly impossible to kill by striking its body, and only its head is vulnerable to attack. Even so, Jormungandr regenerates injury at an incredible rate, and may even survive complete decapitation. Should he somehow be slain, Jormungandr spews forth poison gas, killing all within 50ft, even deities. There is no known antidote to its poison.   Although small at first, Jormungandr began to grow quickly. Odin, unable to slay the son of his blood brother Loki, cast him into the ocean. A legend states that Jormungandr's cataclysmic thrashing opened a planar rift which allowed the other pantheons to enter the world.

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