Loki, The Trickster God Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Loki, The Trickster God

Description   Loki is a deity in the Norse Pantheon. An infamous trickster deity, he is at various times an ally and an enemy to the gods of Asgard. He is responsible for some of the greatest successes of the Norse Gods, as well as some of the greatest crimes against them. Prior to his imprisonment by the gods, Loki sits as one of the twelve most important Gods at Asgard.   Loki is a handsome young man. He is capable of changing his shape, and often assumes female form. He stands six feet tall, and always wears red and black, even when he takes other guises.   Loki is restless, impulsive, talkative, and highly sociable. He is particularly clever, and enjoys subverting expectations. He often plays practical jokes on the other Norse deities. However, they also value him for his ability to think outside the box and solve problems in ways the other Gods would not have considered. Loki is proud and vainglorious. He believes himself the best of the Norse Gods, and will always take an opportunity to prove himself smarter and better capable. This attitude often raises the ire of the gods of Asgard, and they are rarely motivated to help Loki with his own problems.   Loki's habit of treachery is so ingrained that it causes him significant psychological issues. Since he is so used to lies, he sees no truth or purpose in anything, and worships only his own mischief-making. This endless self-deception causes Loki to lead a hollow, unsatisfying existence.   As a deity, Loki is immortal. He cannot die of natural causes, and is immune to normal dangers such as disease, paralysis, poison, magical imprisonment spells and planar banishment. He can still be slain. He can see, hear and sense at to a distance of 16 miles from himself, any of his followers, holy sites, holy objects, or any place where one of his names or titles is spoken. Loki can change his form at will, and often assumes the guise of a woman. He can take the form of other creatures or objects. In the past he has transformed into a bridesmaid, a mare, and a needle.   He is an excellent liar. His words act as mass suggestion magic. He can instantly tell the exact value of any treasure he can see, know every item carried by a creature he can see, and knows where on their body it is carried. He can perform any rogue skill instantaneously and with trivial ease. He is swift in combat, can dodge attacks, and can inflict bleeding wounds upon his opponents. He is nearly impossible to sneak up on. He cannot be harmed by fire. He can instantaneously slay all mortals within one mile, or raise them back to life.   Loki casts sorcerer spells instantaneously, and counterspell magic that he knows. In addition to being able to cast sorcerer spells of 9th level, Loki can innately cast numerous spell-like abilities, including Animate Objects, Chaos Hammer, Create Undead, Disintegrate, Polymorph any object, and Time Stop. Loki can create any magic item related to rogues or assassins, even legendary ones.   Loki has journeyed alongside Thor and aided the other gods of Asgard on numerous occasions. However, thanks to Loki's arrogant attitude, they are rarely interested in helping him with his problems. Loki has attempted to form alliances with gods of other pantheons, but such alliances are exploitative and short-lived.


Loki, The Trickster God


Towards Angrboða



Towards Loki, The Trickster God

Titles   The Provoker, The Sly One, The Trickster God, The Shape Changer, The Sky Traveler, The Great Deceiver   Realm   Pandemonium; Asgard; Midgard   Pantheon   Norse Pantheon    Rank   Greater deity   Portfolio   Thieves, Trickery, Murder, Strife   Gender   Male   Alignment   Chaotic Evil   Holy Symbol   Flame
Angrboða (spouse)

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