Memnor Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Memnor was the Giant deity of pride and control. He schemed to usurp Annam All-Father as the head of the Giant Pantheon, but was unsuccessful. Ancient depictions of Memnor often portrayed him as wearing a two-faced mask.   Memnor was known to be charming, intelligent, cultured, subdued. His greatest flaw was his strong sense of pride, though he was also known to be deceitful and intensely cruel. Many of the stories within Giant society that recounted his exploits emphasized his charisma and manipulative nature.   Back when he was but a child, Memnor's mischievous acts of "play" with his brother Grolantor led to a minor war between the Jotunbrud and the Ogres. This incident was one of many things that ultimately led Annam to forbid his children from meddling in the affairs of the Material Plane's Giants.   When Annam eventually exiled himself from Gudheim, Memnor and Grolantor went and convinced their siblings Stronmaus and Hiatea that Annam's decree was no longer valid. From that day onward, Memnor and his brother would go on to continually meddle in the affairs of the mortal Giants. At times their antics got so bad that Stronmaus and Hiatea felt they had no choice but to intervene and put an end to their games.
Power Level   Intermediate Deity   Alignment   Neutral Evil   Symbol   Thin Black Obelisk   Portfolio   Pride, Mental Prowess, Control   Domains   Death, Evil, Knowledge, Mentalism, Rune, Trickery   Worshipers   Evil Cloud Giants

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