Ogre Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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  Ogres appeared as Giant Humanoids with very muscular bodies and large heads. They stood between 9ft and 10ft tall and could weigh 600lbs. Ogres were a lazy, brutish, avaricious race with notoriously quick tempers. Their avaricious nature would often lead them distrust one another and incite squabbling over treasure. Ogres generally preferred to rely on ambushing their foes and overwhelming them through sheer numbers. In terms of weapons, ogres were typically seen to use uprooted trees and stone-tipped javelins.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Much like Hill Giants, Ogres were gluttonous creatures willing to eat almost anything. They enjoyed the taste of raw Dwarf flesh, but would also eat Halfling or Elf flesh when they could get it. They would often use the skin and bones of their prey to fashion crude loincloths and necklaces. Ogres were known to typically associate with Goblinoids, Orcs, and their fellow Giant-Kin Trolls. In the social structure of the Giants, the Ordning, Ogres were considered the lowest-ranked of all Giant-Kin. Because of this, they were typically found to be willing servants of Giants. The Giant races they were most often seen working alongside were Hill Giants and Verbeeg, the former of which they often traded with for trinkets or food.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Ogres spoke Jogishk, a dialect of the Jotun tongue.
  Size   Large   Type   Giant-Kin   Alignment   Chaotic Evil   Challenge Rating   2  
General Information
Patron Deity   Vaprak   Vision   Darkvision, Low-Light Vision   Language(s)   Common, Jogishk, Jotun   Favored Climate   Temperate   Favored Terrain   Hills

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