Giant-Kin Species in Volatia | World Anvil
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  Giant-Kin were large Humanoids related to the true Giants. Any race that could trace its lineage back to Othea relationship with Ulutiu could be considered Giant-Kin. The mother of all giants, Othea, cheated on her husband Annam, All Father, the father of giants, with Ulutiu, producing the Firbolgs, Fomorians, Verbeegs, and the Voadkyn. All true Giants considered these types of Giant-Kin evil -maug- because of this act of unfaithfulness.  
  Giant-Kin did not generally associate with different types of Giant-Kin. Within their own tribes, they were bound by the Ordning excluding Firblogs, and when they did interact with other Giant species, they were ranked below all others, except Ogres. Most Giant-Kin were under the impression that one day, they would be accepted back into "true Giant" society and be accepted by their half-brothers.  
  • Verbeegs
  • Voadkyn
  • Fomorians

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