Stronmaus Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Stronmaus (STRAWN-mawz)

Description   Stronmaus's avatar appeared as an enormous Giant with blue eyes and wavy flowing auburn-red hair or bald, and wearing a simple gold-edged white robe or nothing. He was far more youthful and carefree than his father Annam.   He was normally depicted smiling and reveling. He couldn't help but smile, for the energy of life flowed through him so strongly that it was hard not for him to express his continual exuberance. He reveled in the storms he called up and in the thunder that boomed from his magical hammer. Stronmaus inherited some of his father's fickle lusts, and might send avatars simply to woo and seduce beautiful female giants.   Realm   Stronmaus lived in the realm of Stormhold, which could be found in the Beastlands in the midnight layer of Karasuthra, though it was believed by some to be attached to Gudheim, Annam's former realm in Ysgard. Stronmaus traveled the layers of the Beastlands freely, but kept his fortress in Karasuthra because he appreciated the way the moon of the Beastlands, Noctos, reflected off his gold-adorned marble battlements.   Stronmaus, the sole greater deity known to inhabit the Beastlands, delighted in soaring above the forests and savannas of the plane with his companions, the laughing, cloudlike mortai, booming his own laughter in time with theirs and creating powerful storms in celebration of life.   Stormhold itself was a mighty palace of marble adorned with gold, platinum, and gemstones rising from a storm cloud, guided by a mortai who shot quick lightning bolts at one another as a form of electric conversation. Within was a magical opal pool where Hiatea and Surminare often visited. This pool, potent with healing magics, appeared only 100 feet long to those outside it, but infinite to those swimming in its waters. Communities of those souls who worshiped Stronmaus in life dwelled throughout the cloud, forming camps and congregations and spending most of their existences in the open air.
Title(s)   The Smiling God; The Storm Lord; The Thunderhead   Power Level   Greater Deity   Alignment   Chaotic Good   Symbol   Forked Lightning Bolt coming from a cloud partly obscuring the Sun   Home Plane   Jotunheim   Portfolio   Chaos, Cloud Giants, Good, Joy, Protection, Seas, Sky, Sun, War, Weather   Domains   Chaos, Good, Protection, Storm, War, Weather   Worshipers   Cloud Giants; Storm Giants   Favored Weapon   Mace; Warhammer

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