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Thor, God of Thunder

Description   Thor is a deity in the Norse Pantheon. He is the strongest of the Norse Gods, and one of the most popular. He is second only in importance to Odin. Thor is an exceptionally musclebound man with red hair and beard. His eyes are said to be filled with lightning. He stands seven feet tall, and often wears a suit of black and yellow chain mail.    Thor is loud and boisterous, and has an enormous appetite for food and drink. He is strong, straightforward, and physical. He is not overly intelligent, and always seeks revenge for slights against his honor. These attributes make Thor well-loved among the common folk, in contrast to the crafty, more subtle Odin. Thor in turn has a special love of the Human race. Thor is stubborn, and has overcome many obstacles through sheer strength of will. He can be quick-tempered and even reckless. He is popular among the Norse Gods as well as among Humans.   Thor has a dislike of illusion spells, as they have been used against the Aesir in the past by giants, among them the Frost Giant Utgard-Loki.   As a deity, Thor is immortal and immune to various weaknesses including disease, stunning, poison, magical imprisonment, and planar banishment. Thor's greatest strength is his physical power in combat. His hammer blows can instantly annihilate opponents it hits. Those strong enough to survive may be stunned, and the wounds will continue to bleed until healed. Giants are particularly injured by his attacks, and he is particularly skilled at fighting Giants, Dragons, Goblins, Aberrations and Undead. He always goes first in battle, fights with superhuman speed, can never be surprised, and is unbeatable at wrestling. He can enter a berserk rage for up to 18 hours per day without being winded afterward.   Thor is particularly skilled at throwing, and often throws his hammer Mjolnir. Even without Mjolnir, he is skilled at throwing hammers great distances. He can control the weather. He can surround himself with a storm of lightning that extends 180 feet and blocks all thrown projectiles. He can conjure or dismiss storms or other inclement weather.   Thor has a rarely-used ability to assume the form of a Falcon or Dragon. Enemies are weakened by his incredible presence, and allies are empowered by fighting with Thor. He can control lightning, and lightning spells used near Thor will rebound against their casters.   He can see and sense at a distance of 18 miles from himself or any of his holy sites, artifacts, worshipers, or places where his name or one of his titles were spoken. He can create any kind of magic item related to combat or weather control. He can cast various spells, including Antimagic Field, Chaos Hammer, Spiritual Weapon, Stoneskin, and Storm of Vengeance.   Dogma   Thor's followers believe that the measure of a man is in how he faces challenges. They believe in self-reliance and individual effort, and admire those who overcome adversity. However, they are also slow to join in group efforts or support a party, since defeating an enemy without help is considered a worthy act.   Thor's priests teach that a storm's destruction is necessary to destroy weak structures, clear debris, and reveal new resources. Violence and destruction are inherently necessary concepts in the world. Physical strength is of great value and utmost importance. Combat is the ultimate challenge, and the cult of Thor teaches that communities must train and always be ready for battle. They often stage contests with temples of Sif, Thor's wife, over the relative virtue of brute strength versus technique.   Worshipers   Thor is an immensely popular deity. While the people of Midgard also worship the Norse Pantheon as a collective group, Thor in particular is followed by both warriors and the common folk, including barbarians, fighters, paladins, rangers, farmers, and commoners. He is popular among Dwarves and Half-Orcs.   He is also invoked by those who grow certain weather-sensitive crops such as those which require the right amount of rain, and by merchants who hope for calm weather at sea. Followers of Thor tend to be less cautious, and considerably less peaceful, but more courageous as a result. Thor will often alert his worshipers to the presence of evil or danger. He may reward a faithful follower with a beneficial spell effect accompanied by a boom of thunder.


Thor, God of Thunder


Towards Sif, Goddess of Excellence and Skill in Battle

Sif, Goddess of Excellence and Skill in Battle


Towards Thor, God of Thunder

Titles   Guardian of Asgard, God of Thunder, The Thunderer, Thunder God, The Mightiest   Realm   Thrudvangar, Asgard   Pantheon   Norse Pantheon   Rank   Greater Deity   Portfolio   Storms, Thunder, War, Weather, Sky, Crops   Gender   Non Binary   Alignment   Chaotic Good   Holy Symbol   Hammer

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