Ulutiu Character in Volatia | World Anvil
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Ulutiu (oo-LOO-tee-oo)

Ulutiu, also known as The Lord in the Ice or The Eternal Sleeper, was the lawful neutral father of the Giant-Kin races and the god of glaciers, polar environments, and arctic dwellers. His domains consisted of animals, cold, law, ocean and protection. Ulutiu's symbol was a necklace of blue and white ice crystals and his divine realm was where he slept in the Astral Plane.   Ulutiu's avatar appeared as a human with incredibly deep blue eyes, black hair, and icy blue skin. He had a round face, a flat nose, and small ears. He was rather short and had thick limbs and digits. While his avatar had always had an immunity to cold, after his imprisonment he developed an aura of deadly cold as well. He often appeared with a huge spear called the Harpoon of the Cold Sea.   He occasionally manifested as a perfect circle of ice near the shore of the sea, which his followers would flip and divine meaning from according to the cracks and protrusions on the bottom. He expressed his displeasure with icequakes.   As a Demi-God, Ulutiu had a single avatar, which created and was entombed within the Great Glacier. As such, barring any outside influence that freed it, he was very unlikely to reveal a true avatar. However, he could be prompted to reveal this avatar if Othea were resurrected or Annam, All Father returned to Volatia. This would likely result in the eventual destruction of the Great Glacier. Ulutiu preferred solitude to the company of others, and spent much of his time in contemplation and meditation. Despite this, he truly loved Othea and remained devoted to her even in death.   Holy Places   Ulutiu did not have what would qualify as temples to most people, but shrines were very common. They generally included an altar of unmelting ice with fetishes frozen inside.




Towards Othea



Towards Ulutiu

Title(s)   The Eternal Sleeper; Father of the Giants' Kin; The Lord in the Ice   Power Level   Demi-God   Alignment   Lawful Neutral   Symbol   Necklace of Blue and White Ice Crystals   Home Plane   Astral Plane   Portfolio   Arctic Dwellers, Glaciers, Polar Environments   Domains   Animal, Cold, Law, Ocean, Protection   Worshipers   Arctic Dwellers, Druids, Historians, Leaders, Teachers, Rangers   Favored Weapon   Harpoon of the Cold Sea
Othea (spouse)

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