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Desert Dwarf

The desert dwarves are a clan-based ethnicity that have inhabited the High Desert for thousands of years. They are culturally independent of the dwarves of dunheim, and currently subjugated by the dragons of the Cobalt Coalition.   They practice a unique style of desert druidcraft, with which they construct both permanent and temporary shelters in within the sand. Most groups are rotationally nomadic, and move between multiple shelters.


Shared customary codes and values

Desert dwarves value efficiency and resource conservation, with respect to water, food, metal, and time. They spend little time on idle chit-chat unless they are in dedicated relaxation time. They ration their food by default, and spend most of their time resting under sand dunes or in the shade. They keep they recycle the water out of their urine (with magic).

Common Dress code

Desert dwarves typically wear light, tight fitting clothing which keeps out the sand and stays out of the way in sand tunnels. They may dye their clothing based on their clan, but typically keep a white base. Many don't wear shirts and often go barefoot.

Major organizations

The Desert Dwarves have multiple clans which may or may not get along. Most of these are heavily subjugated by the Cobalt Coalition, usually with each family ruled by a few specific blue dragons. Some, mostly in the south west near Dunheim, are still free, and are currently engaged in guerilla war agianst the coalition.
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