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Cobalt Coalition

The Cobalt Coalition is an alliance of dragons (primarily blue ones) that claims the High Desert as its territory. They have poor relations with other geopolitical bodies, but do allow some trade through their territory (with heavy taxes).


The Cobalt Coalition is an alliance of nearby dragons, but not a true beaurocratic state. Each dragon has control over some territory, the subjugated people within that territory, and has some voting rights within the coalition. They are bound, many suspect magically, to follow the group rules, thus creating a unified draconic state. Within each dragon's territory, however, they are the sole authority, typically enforced by their own half-dragon children.


The Cobalt Coalition is primarily blue dragons, who are noted to be the most innately prosocial of the innately evil chromatic dragons. Blue dragons actually marry and (kind of) fall in love, though they wouldn't demean themselves by calling it that. Direct parent-child relationships between dragons are typically close and usually positive, while sibling relations are usually cool but not hostile. Draconic relations within the Coalition have continuosuly become more friendly and less suspicious since the founding, leading to increased unity and cooperation (against all foreign expectations). There is a developing unified "cobalt" ethnic identity, a startling occurence in a species which is generally extremely self-centered.   Non-blue dragons are also allowed to join the Coalition, though they must pay a heavy initial fee; most foreign chromatic dragons are simply "affiliated" with them, staying in communication with them but not directly allying.   Everyone who's not an actual dragon can go fuck themselves. Half-Dragons are treated pretty well but have no decision-making rights. The bulk of the bipedal population, Desert Dwarf peoples, are slaves.   That's not quite true. Extremely noteworthy individuals, mostly diplomats, may be receive the Coalition's respect and enjoy good accomodations, typically in the Sapphire Palace. This is rare though.

Public Agenda

The Cobalt Coalition seeks to make a desert paradise for dragons (whether that should be only blues or include others is a topic of debate). That mostly means oppressing the lesser races, but some are open to diplomatic options if it's easier.


The Cobalt Coalition has little material wealth in food stores, infrastructure, or technology, but they make up for it in unbelievable monetary wealth. Each dragon has their own respectable hoard, and everyone contributes to The Motherload hoard in the Sapphire Palace.   The Coalition sometimes "hires" (or just plain kidnaps) artificers, scholars, or mages who they want to work for them, in exchange for some large amount of money. This is rare though.


The coalition maintains trained forces of half-dragons to monitor their slaves and the sapphire palace, but the majority of thier military is just... themselves. They're fucking dragons, man.

Foreign Relations

The Cobalt Coalition has unfavorable relations with pretty much everyone else. However, they aren't in active war with any of them (at the moment). They allow some sparse trade through their territory, though they tax it heavily and eat the opportunistic merchants who don't have trade licenses. They have been on the brink of war with Dunheim for nearly a century, due to their treatment of the desert dwarf clans.

Agriculture & Industry

Bro it's a desert, there is no agriculture. There is a little industry though; the desert dwarves have ways of extracting iron, quartz, and glass from the sand itself. Most of this is exported for processing elsewhere.
Founding Date
Alliance, Military
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Economic System
Gift economy
The Sapphire Palace is the only noteworthy major settlement; all others are mobile work camps of desert dwarves, oases for caravans to stop at, or the grand lairs of the dragons themselves.
Legislative Body
Legislation is decided upon by the voting dragons themselves, directly. They typically keep the laws short and sweet. WIthin a region, a dragon may make their own additional laws, so long as they do not contradict the higher ones.
Judicial Body
It is rare for Coalition dragons to break their own rules. First, there aren't many to break. Second, many suspect they are magically compelled not to. Third, the punishment is always severe. That being said, there have been a few scandalous Draconic court cases in the last century-plus. In these cases, the defendant is tried before a jury of the entire rest of the Coalition, overseen by The Dragonmother as the judge.
Executive Body
Coalition dragons are in charge of executing laws within their own territory, usually either through their personal guard or with their personal talents.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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