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Dragon Slayers Guild

The Dragon Slayers guild is one of the oldest continuing organizations on Vorago, founded by metallic dragons during the Dragon Wars. The organization now spans the continent, with mostly positive relations with most other organizations. After all, when the monsters win, nobody's happy.   The Dragon Slayers guild doesn't limit itself to dragons; any monster will do. Most large towns have a moderately sized guildhall which serves to post up hired adventurers, organize local safety, and host larger guild missions when they pass through. Rural areas are serviced by a few travelling parties and gig mercenaries, but urban chapter halls host and organize large expedition parties to track and kill larger monsters.   The guild currently holds a code of political neutrality; they pursue monsters across borders and (usually) stay out of local politics. Individual guild leaders are known to take bribes or parley with more intelligent monsters, however...


The Dragonslayers Guild is divided into regional chapters, each run by a Huntmaster. Within each chapter are a number of roles such as head arcanist, scoutmaster, quartermaster, etc, as well as a large number of guild troops. Those troops always include some in-house dedicated monster hunters, but may also be bolstered by wandering adventurers or private mercenaries.   The guild headquarters in Dunheim organizes affairs and resource distribution between chapters, as well as the really really massive projects, and is headed by Guildmaster Zelenaya.


Guildmembers typically have the gung-ho cheerful attitude of first responders anad the gallows humor of soldiers (many of them are/were in a military). They are known for being raucous and drinking a lot, but generally not for causing any more trouble than that. There is a very masculine macho attitude with lots of boasting, but the organization itself has rough gender parity.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Dragon Slayers Guild is to kill monsters; nice and simple. If they don't do that, they don't get paid.


Guild assets vary by chapter size. Smaller ones may only have old silvered weapons and lots of strong netting, while the largest branches may have enitre alchemy labs producing monster-specific poisons or engineering departments with silvered crossbows strong enough to pierce dragonscale. They are typically well funded with a commission from the local authority, in addition to receiving bonuses for large hunts.


The Dragon Slayers Guild was founded at the height of the Dragon Wars by the silver dragon Zelenaya as a way to organize and empower the mortal rebels against the ruling chromatic dragon empire. After the war, the organization reorganized toward more general monster-slaying, and has remained a staple organization of civilized Vorago for thousands of years.
Founding Date
875 TE
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles


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