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Grey Loom

A Grey Loom is the principle tool and symbol of The Grey Weavers. The miniature loom may be made of different materials or have different embellishments depending on the patron deity of the owner, but all are quite sturdy and typically worn by priests along their side like a satchel. They are typically the spellcasting focus of a Grey Weave cleric.   The icon of a grey loom - a U shape with wavy lines between the prongs - is the typical symbol for the weavers.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Most of the time, a weaver's loom is inactive, resembling an empty U shape. When activated, typically by using them as a focus to cast a spell, strands of grey mist appear between the sides, almost like a lute. The thickness, density, and tangle of these threads represents the complex state of the paths to the afterlife, divine field(s), and general state of fate in the area. Using the "shuttle" attached to the side (typically a crystal, finger bone, or golden stylus), a trainer Grey Weaver can investigate and even manipulate and detangle the knots of death and fate surrounding creatures or places. Some uses include banishing/freeing ghosts, hallowing or purifying an area, or determining the nature of a mysterious spiritual illness. Casting "Turn undead", for example, might involve slashing through the whole mist-weaving with the shuttle as a somatic component.

Manufacturing process

The crafting of the physical item involves whatever craftspeople are relevent (woodworkers, smiths, engravers, etc), but also the presence of the cleric themselves. The cleric must recite and cast rituals at key times in the process.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
Most full dedicated agents of the Grey Weavers use a loom, mostly but not entirely clerics. That being said, they are the most expensive part of their equipment, and typically require months of craftsmanship and ritual to create properly. All in all, it is not hard to see one, but quite hard to own one.
8 lbs
Base Price
200 gp
Raw materials & Components
Grey Looms vary in construction, but always involve silver, bone dust (or whole bones), and holy engravings or attached scripture. More potent looms can be created / upgraded with spiritually resonant materials such as ectoplasm or the bones of a saint.


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