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Spell Scrambling

Spell scrambling is a new defense technology enabled by the Destabilization. There are multiple ways to create a spell-scrambling item or area, but all of them effectively make spellcasting near their effect impossible (or very dangerous). They usually require either finely crafted setups, rare materials of differing magical types, or a specific kind of user (or any combination), but are pretty reproducible and reliable.


Spell scramblers function by further destabilizing the magical fields in their area of effect, preventing any magic from taking hold long enough to have an effect. Small ones can only do this in a small area very close to themselves, but a few complex models can creat the effect in targeted areas, and very powerful ones can effect an area the size of a city block.   A sufficiently powerful magic user can overcome this scrambling effect. A scrambler can be calibrated for more "output" to counteract this, but this destabilizes the field balance even more. Casting spells in extremely destabilized regions can, instead of simply dissipating the spell, amplify and randomize the spell! Specifically, this happens when the frequency of the scrambling is accidentally in harmonic resonance with the energy of the spell, but that's nearly impossible to predict (due to the tiny deviances in each spell's casting).   It's theorized that this technology could be used for magical amplification or even local field stabilization, but no working models have yet been developed.

Social Impact

Spell scramblers are now common in most well-equipped military forces, with most military installations having some form of more powerful stationary one and a few specialist troops with weaker handheld models. Scramblers can involve dangerous materials in their creation, so they are supposedly regulated, but that doesn't stop an uneducated public suspicious of magical activity from buying small (often fake) scramblers.
Access & Availability
Each kind of spell scrambler requires a different method of production, with the simplest (and weakest) requiring roughly the same time+gold production cost of an uncommon magical item, and the largest and most complex being on the order of a NASA project. Small scramblers are thus available to most people with a little effort, but much less so for large and powerful ones.
Spell scrambling was discovered independently by multiple artificers and wizards soon after the Destabilization, but was kept secret by most due ot the air of suspicion. Eventually knowledge of their effect and creation was exchanged and became widespread as things cooled down.
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