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Halflings cultures and traditions are highly localized, and there is little feeling of brotherhood between very distant halfling settlements. That being said, there are a few overarching ideals and traits of halfling-majority cultures. The big three are: 1. Humbleness: Halfling culture does not highly prize material success or great achievement, especially not at a cost to others. Ambition and pride are to be kept in check, as is jealousy. 2. Pacifism / Neutrality: Halfling societies survive when they stay out of the way. Resorting to force means one has already lost. 3. Social Adeptness: a successful halfling is one who is well known, has lots of connections, and is pleasant to be around. This can also, in some cultures, include the ability to persuade, haggle, or even deceive.

Articles under Halfling


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