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Magefruit are a species of muchroom which reacts quickly to magical field fluctuations (ie. magic) by extruding hard crystals as a defense mechanism. Stronger fluctuation produce stronger reactions, and different kinds of magic may prompt them to produce different kinds of crystal. This ability makes them good for detecting the presence of hidden magic, and they are common parts of window planters to alert merchants to suspicious activity.

Basic Information


Magefruit's main body is in its mycelium patch which lives belowground, but it produces fruiting bodies (mushrooms) very regularly. These mushrooms vary in color by breed, but are usually white, and are roughly the size of shitake mushrooms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Magefruit reproduces like a normal fungus. Its airborne spores are not able to produce crystals until they germinate (except in specific breeds). Breeders claim that exposure to certain magical effects during their sexual intercourse (a process which happens when the mycelium of two different fungi meet, like in other fungi) can induce special mutations and sensitivity/insensitivity to said effects, but this effect is not consistent and is mostly superstition.

Growth Rate & Stages

Magefruit grows relatively slowly but creates a large (roughly 1 square meter max) patch of mycelium which produces multiple fruiting bodies per year and lasts up to 10 years before exhausting its soil. It prefers wet soil and darkness, but is a hardy fungus and will grow in most places with sufficient nutrients.

Additional Information


Magefruit has been domesticated for hundreds of years, and there are many differennt domestic breeds. Domestic magefruit are usually slightly less sensitive to magic, create duller crystals, and have a more exaggerated diversity in the kinds of crystals they produce. Domesticated magefruit typically follow the following magic color scheme: Arcane magic: Quartz, with a tinge of a color relating to the magic's school (divination, transmutation, etc.) Divine magic: Diamond, in smaller quantities than the rest Fiendish magic: Garnet Shadow magic: Onyx Druidic magic: Green amazonite Far-Realms bullshit: Bismuth This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Magefruit is not commonly used in society, but there are a variety of esoteric breeds used created and maintained by dedicated breeders. Here are a few: -A breed which overproduces permanent crystals, allowing for their harvesting -A breed which has extremely precise reactions, used by researchers -A breed which makes a loud noise in addition to creating crystals, used (rarely) for security -A breed whose crystals are extremely durable, used as an anti-magic defense on long-term fortifications -A breed with very pretty crystals, for decoration -A breed which mimics the look and taste of edible mushrooms but stays active for one more burst after cooking, used for assassinating mages -A breed whose airborne spores can also create sharp crystals, used as an experimental bioweapon in The Fire Wars

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Magefruit will react to the presence of magic within a maximum of a few yards, depending on the strength of the magic, by producing a protective coating of crystal. Temporary flashy effects like a firebolt will induce a near-instantaneous reaction of thick crystal, while more subtle and continuous magical effects like disguise self or an active magic item will only produce slow growth. When grown in the constant presence of low-instensity magic, they will become accustomed to it and ignore weak magic. Repeated exposure to strong magic stresses the organism. After the magic ceases, the crystals will quickly fall off the mushrooms and disintegrate. A few breeds' crystals do not disappear after shedding. The type of the crystal depends upon the kind of triggering magic.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

One rare breed of magefruit can exist in a symbiotic relationship with the roots of other plants (mycorhizal), to a slight mutual benefit. In short-lived plants this has little effect, but in long-lived plants the fungus can slowly grow into the plant (usually a tree) and create its crystals through it as well! Such trees become stressed in conditions of frequent magic, but the crystals may serve as an invaluable defense against a rare fireball or lightning strike.
Native to Vorago
Conservation Status
Magefruit is a relatively uncommon fungus in the wild, though it grows across Vorago and is certainly not endangered. It is domesticated, so there are a few dedicated farms and gardens of it across Vorago.


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