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Patchwork Plaza

The Patchwork Plaza is a section of any large settlement which houses many small shrines to the various deities of The Patchwork. It is usually a rough ring of roofed lemonade-stand size shrines facing a small central plaza, the central area ranging in size from a multi-lane roundabout with cart traffic in large cities to a single statue + circle of benches in towns. In the center lies some monument, usually a statue or large tree (it doesn't matter), upon which colored quilted fabrics are tied and stretched out to across the plaza to the shrines.   Each Patchwork Plaza serves as a neutral zone where no violence is permitted.

Purpose / Function

The Patchwork Plaza serves as a neutral space representing the common interests of good and neutral aligned deities and people who support the general idea of "civilization". The shrines have room for offerings or clerical bulletins to the devout. Within the plaza, preachers may give sermons, thinkers may engage in public debate, and beggars may request alms. It is the standardized public forum.   Physical violence is very strictly prohibited within the plaza, and is enforced by social pressure, local law, and divine will. Violence just outside its borders, however, is fine, and passionate debaters will often move to the next street over to 'settle' a discussion. Criminals who flee to a plaza may not be forcibly arrested for a few hours (the grace period depends on local law and the level of criminal transgression), during which time they are free to make their case (or lie) to the public.


The shrines of a patchwork palza are usually cleaned but cluttered, and while the overhead cloth may be of any quality or age. In colder climates, some plazas may be indoors, but this is rare.


None, but the plaza is internationally recognized as a neutral zone and a holy site. Invading armies will leave the plaza untouched (unless they are monstrous or not from Vorago) and peace talks are often held in patchwork plazas. While breaking this neutrality would be militarily trivial, it would earn the transgressor the ire of scores of deities.
Market square
Owning Organization


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