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The Patchwork

The Patchwork is the predominant pantheon of the remnant states of the Magocratos. It is an extremely broad pantheon of Major and Minor gods, powerful Archfey, and even some of the more amiable Devils. There is no proper canon of who is part of the Patchwork; the only general trend is a lack of hegemonic ambition and a preference for a prosperity over destruction. Some may consider one power a part of it, while another culture might disagree.   "Dead" or unavailable gods are given small charity by the Grey Weavers, a specialized order of monks and clerics representing various death gods.   Some examples of powers NOT in the Patchwork are:
  • Lolth
  • Set. (Serqet and Sekhmet are sometimes included, though)
  • Demogorgon and other demon princes
  • Meglubiyat (the goblin chief diety)
  • Tiamat
  • Divine Origins

    The Patchwork has many mythological origin stories, most of which are along the lines of "One day [Insert prime leader deity of local ethnicity] said 'Hey, this Vorago place is too chaotic and none of us are winning by fighting each other. Let's just get along so everyone wins', and then everyone cheered, except the trickster gods, who everyone beat up until they agreed too." In truth, many smaller deific alliances like mini-patchworks existed across Vorago for hundreds of years, but were only unified into one pro-harmony group during the formation of the Magocratos. As a famous historian of the Magocratos proclaimed, "It was man who brought the gods to unity, not the gods who brought unity to man"


    Patchwork worship as a whole is primarily conducted in a Patchwork Plaza in any sufficiently large settlement. Worship of individual gods may also be done at their own dedicated temples if they exist, or in whatever way is appropriate.
    Religious, Pantheon
    Permeated Organizations
    Controlled Territories
    Organization Vehicles
    Notable Members

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