Drake Eye Revolver

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The enchanted Eyeball at the end of the barrel is from a type of Revenant Drake. The flesh of this drake takes decades to fully die and decompose. The specific species doesn't matter. Shooting specialized ammunition will cause the eye to project an intense beam of light that can burn through armor with ease. Depending on the species of Drake, the beam can instead project a concentrated magical beam of any other element.

The Revolver itself is a rather basic one, and normally shoots .45 caliber paper cartridges. Almost any gun can be fitted with an enchanted eyeball to shoot specialized energy blasts. Just, don't fire conventional ammunition through the weapon. It will destroy the eyeball and cause it to explode outwards, engulfing anything in its magical energy until it runs out of energy and dissipates.

Length: 12 in Weight: 14 oz Capacity: 6 - .45 caliber rounds
Materials: Drake Eyeball, Nickel Plated Steel (Barrel, Trigger), Polished Oak (handle)
Previous User: Lesari Drakesong, Half-Elven Mage from Ordland

Lesari Drakesong

Lesari is the world's foremost expert on Drakes, having published numerous volumes on the the lesser spawn of the ancient Dragon Lords. She traveled around Eastern Vreathe and spent weeks, even months around these creatures, getting close to them and studying them in their natural habitat. She always had a small team of fellow mages with her as well as a few mercenaries.

Adult Drakes roughly have the intelligence of a ten year-old human child and have their own primitive language of gutteral growls and hisses. Lesari takes advantage of this by offering Drakes food and gifts, performing surgery and healing magic on the injured, giving deference to the Alpha Drakes, and more. This caused her to become quite famous among Drake-kind, who normally hate humans and elves.

Lesari often negotiates for the ability to take body parts of dead Drakes, who are otherwise incinerated in a primitive funerary rite. One such item are the eyeballs of a Revenant Drake. Lesari was experimenting with attaching the eyeballs to various firearms and shooting specialized ammunition through them. She refused to tell the secret about how it actually works, but she has sold the guns to numerous mercenaries over the years to fund her research.

The last known location of Lesari's team as of a few months ago was in the mountainous terrain in Azure near the border of Ledo. Lesari herself was inujured in an attack there and is currently recovering in Ledo in the city of Karrask. The rest of her team was killed. Whether this was because of some unfriendly Drakes, or they were attacked by some other force is unknown as Lesari refuses to speak about the horrors she saw. The 7th Stalker Unit was sent to investigate.


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