Winged Machete

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A weapon with a thick, heavy blade, great for chopping. On the other side of the blade is a myriad of different serrated edges, great for sawing and cutting. Put together it looks like a steel wing. While this weapon does its job perfectly for survival purposes, its use in combat is questionable.

This strangely designed machete is a unique weapon of the 7th Stalker Unit of the Kingdom of Aluviane. They seem to have no problem using these weapons in combat, and seem to be masters at cutting the straps off of armor to expose their opponents underneath. As the weapon is also a great survival tool, it is perfect for a military unit that spends weeks or even months at a time in the wilderness tracking criminals and monsters.

Winged Sword.png

Length: 36 in Weight: 42 oz
Materials: Steel (blade), leather (handle)
Notable Users: 7th Stalker Unit (of Aluviane)

The 7th Stalker Unit

The armies of Cassel have a number of Specialist units that perform a single task. They are number in linear fashion in order of importance. The 1st Royal Guard guards the Monarch, the 2nd Crown Guard guards the Consort and heirs, the 3rd Knight Hunters will hunt rogue knights, and so on. The 7th Stalker unit are experts at conducting forest and mountain warfare against invaders. During peacetime, they are used to track criminals and dangerous monsters throughout the wilds of Cassel. Their many exploits and commendations can fill a volume, but that is for another time.

A few months ago, A six man squad of stalkers were tracking down the location of famed scholar Lisara Drakesong's research team. This led them to an inconspicuous cave on the border of Azure and Ledo. The remains of several researchers could be found here. The stalkers set up camp for the night and would spread out in the morning to search for the monsters responsible.

The next morning, the Guard that was posted on nightwatch was missing. The Stalkers spread out from the cave to search, but no remains were found. The small opening at the back of the cave was suspected, but it was too large for men of their size to fit through. They packed up and left the cave later that day, continuing their search for the monster responsible for killing Lisara's research team, and now the monster responsible for taking one of their men. They were fully unaware that the opening in this cave contained a now sprawling colony of Nameless Horrors, that have grown fat off the recent influx of nutrients in the form of unsuspecting travelers.


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