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"The vernadors have a summer palace up here in the mountains. It's probably been abandoned since...actuallly, nevermind. Let's not go there...

Orthez is a barony located in the northeast of the Duchy of Fairden and is part of the Kingdom of North Cassel. It is bordered on the west by Aldarra, the south by Marsan, to the north by the Red Towers and the Elf-Kingdom of Lyonne, specifically the baronies of Terminus and Ardens. to the east is Tornor Bay. The Morada river is entirely contained within the borders of Orthez.

The eastern half of the region is relatively flat and filled with farmlands growing wheat. The land gradually gets more hilly the further west and north you go. There is also a significant number of vineyards, growing grapes for wine production. The wines produced here are white wines and are described as being crisp and dry.

While not the primary owner of the Red Towers, Orthez is in control of several large valleys in the region, giving access to very fertile volcanic soil for farmland, but more importantly, access to several varieties of aethercite crystal, specifically Beryls and Topaz.

The capital city Nassina is also a port located on the coast at the mouth of the Morada river. Grain and various varieties of wine come through this city before it gets shipped off to the rest of Cassel. The port city is also one of the very few locations in Cassel where the Sea Elves appear and are willing to trade, which opens up access to even more varieties of aethercite crystals, speficially pearls and deap sea corals.

Year Created:
Controlled by:

Land Area:


2312, Iron Age
Baron Julien Rey

10,639 km2

85% Human
15% Elf

Château des Vagabonds

The Castle of Wanderers is a rather small summer palace at the edge of the foothills, at least small by Vernador standards. The highest towers are tall enough to see over the hills to the sea. Construction of the castle was started in the year 2275 and was completed by 2290. It was originally built to oversee a planned town that would house miners and process aethercite crystals from the area, but the city of Nassina grew much quicker than the town here could even be planned. The Castle was completed however, and was used by King Eldon Vernador XV as a summer vacation home starting in the year 2301.

By the year 2534 the location of the castle started to become less and less known. Cartographers were paid off to not mention the location on any map, and leadership in Cassel is careful not to have troop movements come too close to the castle during border patrols. While the vernadors still use the location as a summer retreat, it also serves as a secret gathering point for the Royal family if anything goes wrong.

King Brenon Vernador of North Cassel was the last King to visit the palace, and several of his children know of the location. After Brenon's death, Renelle used it as her home for a few years and still occasionally uses it to lay low for a few months. She has quite a few different pieces of weapons and armor stockpiled here and has enough food to last for years. Arden, Isabel, and Saya(Vyerin) also know of the castle's location.
Chateau Vagabond.png

"I still can't believe you convinced me to come here. Chryssa, I really hope no one's there! Seriously, Ren knows about this place! Can we just, I don't know, turn back, now!"
- Saya


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