
Ancilla kindred are generally more independent than neonates, as they have been undead for decades or centuries and have accumulated more power, knowledge, and resources.   They are direcly above the rank of Neonate but below Elder.   While they are often loyal to their sect, they usually have more freedom to pursue their own agendas and interests.   Ancilla kindred may work for their sire, primogen, or Baron if they have a close relationship or allegiance, but they also have the ability to build their own power base and expand their influence. They usually can establish their own domains or territories, acquire resources and assets, form alliances with other kindred or mortals, or pursue personal goals such as obtaining rare artifacts or studying obscure disciplines.   In general, ancilla kindred are expected to abide by the rules and laws of the of their sect and to maintain the Masquerade. However, they may also engage in covert or subversive activities if it serves their interests or the interests of their allies.   Overall, ancilla have more autonomy and freedom to pursue their own interests, but they must also be mindful of the politics and power dynamics of the other kindred they share the city with.


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