
Clan: Tremere   Sire: Unknown   Generation: Unknown   Childer: Unknown     Biography   Evalina is an autarkis Tremere witch with loose affilaitons to individuals within the Camarilla and the Anarchs alike. Most things about her are a mystery, whether by design or coincidence. She has been a kindred for at least a few decades and is known for her unconventional approach to unlife.     Appearance   Evania is an exceedingly pretty young woman, appearing to be somewhere in her 20's. Her mannerisms and reserved nature can make her seem older at times and her insights betray her appearance, eluding to vast experience of someone far beyond her years. She has curly brunette hair that cascades down her shoulders and back. She prefers accessories and outfits that convey a 'witchy' style, while also being acceptable at most functions.   She's a certified witchy baddie. 11/10 would smash.     Modern Nights   The night of Hasan Bartell's party, Evania approached Matio and asked him for his help with investigating the site of a ritualistic murder that occurred near her haven. She handed him a slip of paper with the address on it, revealing that she didn't have a phone. Something about the murder scene didn't add up to her and she's curious to see what Matio has to say about it.


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