
Clan: Tremere   Generation: 12   Sire: Xanthus   Childer: Dr. Heinrich Schmidt   Title(s): Baron, Emissary of the Tri-Island Chantry House Ipsissimus     Biography   In life, Matio was a resourceful student of history who studied at Brown University. Despite his major, he enjoyed studying the occult and was deep into conspiracy theories. His devotion to his research resulted in him unknowingly stumbling upon ancient Kindred blood magic. Mistaking it and its connections for another conspiracy (a secret society well known as the Illuminati) he investigated Locustwood Manor, finding it a hidden catacombs. Unfortunately, he arrived as two Tremere were leaving from their ritual. For the crime of trespass, Hans executed the young researcher. But upon looking at his notes, Xanthus saw a possible protege. When Hans left, Matio was Embraced by Xanthus and brought to unlife with a desire to finish his work.   Touchstones   Growing up in the outskirts of the Tri-Island Area, Matio was away from people his age. His father was a researcher who spent most of his time researching while his mom worked a regular office job. Leaving Matio to spend much of his time alone, this wasn't a grievance for him, as he enjoyed reading from his father's library. While not the tradtional loving family, Matio still cared for his parents and greatly apprecited what they provided for him. His father is who insprired him to follow his own research and got him to attend Brown University. Unfortunately for his parents, Matio would disappear out of their lives on a random night. This left them stilly distraught as he is still missing amid so many mysterious deaths.   Appearance   Matio is a tall man who stands at 6'2.5". He has a rather lanky but fit physique. He commonly can be seen wearing his blood-red Arabic outfit or a variety of clubbing outfits. Matio also enjoys wearing glasses. Appears to be in his mid-twenties.     Ghouls   Kean and Daniels.     Equipment and Possessions   Matio has access to many different pieces of equipment. He never goes anywhere without his Desert Eagle .50AE or his phone.   Disciplines  
  • Presence (1):
    • Daunt (1st lvl): The vampire can add their Presence rating to their Intimidation checks.
  • Potence (3):
    • Lethal Body (1st lvl): The Kindred can cause serious physical damage to a mortal, capable of tearing skin and breaking bone.
    • Soaring Leap (1st lvl): The Kindred can leap higher and further.
    • Prowess(2nd lvl): The Kindred gains an overall increase in strength.
  • Auspex (2):
    • Sense the Unseen (1st lvl): The vampire can detect things that are supernaturally invisible, like Obfuscate users, ghosts, or dormant Blood Sorcery spells.
    • Premonition (2nd lvl): The vampire can receive visions and hints about what is about to happen.
  • Dominate (2):
    • Compel (1st lvl): The vampire can issue a short sentence command to the target.
    • Mesmerize (2nd lvl): The vampire can issue a longer, more complicated command to the target.
  • Blood Sorcery (5):
    • A Taste for Blood (1st lvl): By tasting a drop of blood, the user can discern certain basic traits of the one to whom it belongs.
    • Shape of the Sanguine Sacrament (1st lvl): Allows the vampire manipulate their (or someone else's) blood, to form intricated images, such as a simple message or a geometrical shape.
    • Crimson Coalescence (1st lvl): The kindred, after spilling some of its own vitae, is able to create a small ball of blood that it can manipulate in the air. This ball could be used as a projectile weapon or could be used to attempt to drown a mortal victim.
    • Extinguish Vitae (2nd lvl): The user can intentionally remove the unlife-giving properties of some of the Blood in another vampire, stoking their Hunger as the victim’s inner reserves curdle into impotence.
    • Cauldron of Blood (5th lvl): This gruesome power lets the user boil the blood of a victim in their own veins, causing massive damage and excruciating pain
  • Blood Rituals:
    • Blood Walk (1st lvl): An advanced version of A Taste for Blood, the caster is able to learn even more information about another Kindred from their vitae.
    • Craft Bloodstone (1st lvl): Creates a Bloodstone, a magical tracking device.
    • Dagon's Call (3rd lvl): A Banu Haqim ritual that ruptures the blood vessels of a victim from afar who has previously came into contact with the caster's vitae.
    • Ward Against Ghouls (1st lvl)
    • Ward against Spirits (2nd lvl)
Chronicle 0.5   After graduating from Brown University with his masters degree, Matio took doing more field research for his passion, occult studies. He was on the trail of something and closing in fast, he just didn't know what. No stranger to breaking and entering in the name of research, Matio took an uber outside of the city proper to the outskirts of the historic Locustwood Manor property. It had long been overgrown and abandoned, left to ruin and nature. Whilst exploring the back Matio passed through the old family cemetary and found the inner courtyard. As he searched around he found an overgrown iron gate that concealed a stone stairwell. Quietly and carefully he made his way down. As he approached the bottom he heard voices and chanting in a foreign language. Excited, Matio crept ever closer. Once reaching the bottom of the stairs Matio encountered an old reinforced oak door slightly open. Peering through he witnissed two cloaked individuals in the middle of what appeared to be a ritual inside of The Catacombs. Something was wrong though... they knew he was there. As they quickly approached Matio found himself unable to move. One of the individuals, a very tall and skinny blonde man covered in tattoos killed him. Next thing Matio knew he was waking up in a hallway in the manor. He smelled something sweet and followed its trail to a fresh corpse with their throat slit. Matio went for his phone and his beloingings but couldn't find them. Not exactly remebering what happened before, all he knew was the hunger. He stayed the rest of the night in Locustwood Manor. The next evening he awoke and heard people walking about. He was approached by a man named Xanthus who explained the situation to him. He also heard that there was another new kindred in the area running free. Xanthus also explained that the other kindred's sire was Hasan Bartell, a friend of his and that they could use the help tracking him down because he ran away before anything could be explained. Matio alongside of Xanthus and Hasan's staff tracked down Everlast Lacroix and told him what happened. Xanthus told them that they should go to Baron Eric's club Fantasia and meet with him as they were in his territory.   Together they made their way to Fantasia. Along the way they became friendly with one another. Baron Eric sent them on an assignment to go pick up a package for him at the Industrial Docks, Upper Island. He gave them some money upfront, several hundred dollars, with which they bought new clothing. They got to The Docks and went to secure the package from a cargo ship that was there. Everlast met with shipping staff and was about to get the package from them when a van pulled up with armed guards. They began shooting. Matio returned fire from behind the car they were in, using it as cover and concealment while covering Everlast. Staff from the cargo ship began firing too, a shootout ensuing in all directions. As Everlast joined Matio by the car, another white van pulled up and 'soldiers' in full body armor got out and joined they frey. Two of these soldiers went to flank the car but Matio and Everlast each killed one of them, taking their weapons to return fire. Matio continued to cover Everlast Lacroix, who went to retrieve the package as the man holding it had been shot and killed. A brand new corvette pulled up and two individuals exited, Baron Keeling and Katrina 'Czarina'. Matio moved around to get a better angle on them, beginning to engage with Baron Keeling while Katrina used her powers of Presence on Everlast Lacroix and the other mortals around them. Things were looking grim, Everlast was about to turn the package over to Katrina and Matio wasn't trained for or ready for direct combat against another kindred when suddenly another individual showed up. Seemingly coming out of the shadows themself, Core began attacking Baron Keeling and quickly beat him into submission. Katrina now surrounded by the three men surrendered and gave the package back over. Keeling and Katrina left in their car and the group of three went back to Baron Eric. Core explained that he too was employed by Eric. The three of them were rewarded with Locustwood Manor as their haven and domain within Baron Eric's larger domain. Once they arrived they cleared it out of other kindred, including some Nosferatu and Gangrels.   They spent the next several nights getting acquainted with one another while completing other jobs for Baron Eric, including infiltrating Baron Hef's territory. It was here that The Coterie first met Charles Castle, who was the VIP guest of Baron Hef.   Matio led an assault with Core on the front of a chop shop while Everlast attacked the garage in order to save Fibbs, Core's former ghoul, who was kidnapped along with Core's modified car.   It was later on that night as they returned home that Matio as driving and got pulled over. The car was loaded with weapons, drugs, cash, and an obviously injured Fibbs. The Coterie had to split up in order to not get caught, leaving Fibbs and the car behind filled with all of the valuables.   Several nights later Matio would see Nichole Nolan out while driving. Later on he recieved a call from Salvador Simonis, his grandsire. He would act as a liason between Nichole Nolan, his mistress, and Matio, going so far as to drop $100,000 off in a duffle bag upon Matio's request on the steps to the Locustwood Manor.   It was sometime a week or two before Christmas that Matio came across an Occult Research Club in the basement of an antique book store and nextdoor internet cafe. Matio would later enlist their help, with them unknowingly being manipulated into serving as a distraction while they broke into the old museum owned by Baron Hef in the Historic District on the orders of Baron Eric. While inside the musuem   Assault on Fantasia. Matio led the downstairs and front door defense, holding off countless mortal and or ghoul adversaries. Fought against Tyrique Williamson, taking him out of the fight. Killed the fully armored soldiers and downstairs staff by giving in to his beast.   Matio would also visit Xanthus a few times, asking him questions and learning from him.   While at the peace meetings and negotiations at Fantasia between Baron Eric and Baron Hef, Matio suddenly recieved a call from Nichole Nolan. It was brief but hugely important.. N: "Where are you?" M: "Fantasia.. why?" N: "Get out now... Castle is on his way. He's almost there." Alerting everyone and quite possibly saving their unlives, the negotions suddenly sped up while Matio went to the cadillac with Mark Henry, Fisher, and Kean. They drove to Locustwood Manor while Everlast went and got Terry and Sarah Pierce, evacuating them to safety. After arriving at Locustwood Manor Matio and the three ghouls entered the property which was now inhabited by Abigail Lewis and 'her' security detail of 20. Matio and the ghouls got word that a lincoln driving up the road was attacked. Everlast, Terry, and Sarah Pierce were in this vehicle Matio realized and began reprimanding the security advisor, ordering him to call his men off. Matio observed as Abigail Lewis came downstairs and snapped the mans neck, having him brought to her room to feed.   While still in hiding at the Locustwood Manor for a couple of weeks Matio worked tirelessly on creating a ritual to enchance bullets with Blood Sorcery. This ritual turned out successful. Matio also got word that Everlast Lacroix was beaten into Torpor by a gangrel named Nigel in the basement of Baron Keeling's club during a fight. Keeling kept Everlast safe and woke him up after two weeks.   Matio would move back into The Penthouse after they got word that coming out of hiding was okay from Baron Eric. Core had gone with Baron Eric beforehand in order to pay his pennance for a masquerade breach regarding Fibbs.   Eventually Core would rejoin the group and they would continue doing what they did night to night. Most recently they went to Locustwood Manor towards the end of January in order to investigate a possible security disturbance. Fearing the worst, that Abigail had killed everyone and broken free, The Coterie was ready for anything. Once arriving they searched the area, suspecing Abigail Lewis of lurking around waiting to possibly attack them. Core and Matio eventually found 18 out of 20 security staff dead in the woods several hundred yards from the manor. They had been killed by a curved blade, an axe, an ripped apart. Abigail Lewis had suddenly crept up behind Matio unhead and placed a hand on his shoulder and pointed to an owl that was straight ahead staring at them. Matio utilized Sense the Unseen to see that this was indeed, a kindred that was shapeshifted. Alerting Core to the danger, whose back was to this kindred, Core launched himself at it. The owl shapechanged into Bjorn Magnusson, a gangrel. Matio gave Everlast a call to alert him of the situation and request backup because Abigail was unpredictable and now Core was engaged in combat and seemingly losing. Everlast joined the fight, using lightning strike to hit Bjorn before he could react. Conjuring his Crimson Coalesence for the first time, Matio manipulaed it around the battlefield to combat Bjorn. The three of them managed to fight and defeat Bjorn. Everlast attempted diablerie on him but was stopped by Abigal, who used presence powers on Core and Matio. Everlast attacked Abigail, damaging her before she disappeared, allowing Everlast to attempt diablerie in peace while Matio observed her through the powers of Sense the Unseen.     Chronicle 1.0   The Coterie established themselves in the Upper Island . They have fought Tremere Nazis', Camarilla members, Black Hand assassins, Ur-Shulgi's agents, as well as bikers, anarchs, and other adversaries including those of clan Nosferatu, and clan Gangrel. The Coterie also expanded to include Nyx during this time, and other allies.   Mercutio and Evania investigated the sites of ritual killings.   Mercutio established Locustwood Manor, "The Manor", as his domain and haven.     VTM Chronicle 2.0

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