Ingvar Jansen

Clan: Gangrel   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Unknown   Generation: 10   Age: 90 years old     Biography   Ingvar Jansen was born in Norway in the early 20th century, and spent much of his mortal life as a fisherman and hunter. He was embraced by a passing Gangrel in the 1950s, and has since traveled extensively throughout Scandinavia and other parts of Europe, honing his skills as a hunter and predator.   Ingvar met Bjorn Magnusson while both were tracking a particularly dangerous werewolf in the wilderness. The two became fast friends, united by their love of the hunt and their fierce independence. Ingvar and Bjorn continued to hunt together for many years, always seeking out the most dangerous prey.   In recent years, Ingvar has heard rumors of a powerful werewolf pack in the Tri-Island area. He has come to investigate alongside Bjorn Magnusson, hoping to learn more about the pack and their activities. Ingvar is fiercely protective of his territory, and will not hesitate to use his skills and powers to defend it.     Appearance   Ingvar Jansen is a tall, lean man in his mid-40s with a rugged and weathered appearance. He has short, scruffy hair and a thick beard, which he keeps well-groomed. He wears simple clothing made from animal skins and furs, and his leather boots are well-worn from years of use. Ingvar speaks with a slight accent and has a quiet, reserved demeanor that can be off-putting to those who don't know him. Despite his calm exterior, Ingvar is a fierce warrior and predator, always ready for a fight.     Modern Nights   Ingvar has arrived in the Tri-Island area in search of the werewolf pack that he and Bjorn were tracking before Bjorn's disappearance. He has since descended from the surrounding mountains to search for what has happened to Bjorn


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