Luciana Bianchi

Clan: Lasombra   Generation: 6   Sire: Emilia or Valeria   Childer: Few     Biography   Luciana was born in medieval Italy in the early 12th century, during a time of great political upheaval. Her family was part of the noble class, and she was raised to be a lady of refinement and grace. As a young woman, Luciana was known for her beauty and her intelligence. She was skilled in many arts, including music, poetry, and painting.   However, her life took a dramatic turn when she was embraced by, a powerful and secretive Lasombra...   Luciana's embrace was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, she gained immense power and immortality. On the other hand, she was forced to leave behind her mortal life and the people she loved. Luciana struggled to come to terms with her new existence and her place in the world of the Kindred. She ultimately chose to remain an autarkis, serving her sire and making her way in the world largely independent of others. Luciana's humanity was tested and became relatively low, as she had been forced to make difficult choices and sacrifices over the centuries.   Luciana entered torpor during the Renaissance, choosing to sleep for centuries in order to avoid the politics and chaos of the modern world. Her decision to enter torpor was a deliberate one, made out of a desire for self-preservation and to stay out of sight to accomplish the mission she had been embraced for.     Appearance   Luciana's appearance in life was as striking and memorable as it is in death. She is pale and thin, with long curly hair that's stark white. Her one eye is a piercing blue while the other is a shade of brown, and her features are sharp and angular. She is exceedingly attractive and was known for her great beauty once upon a time. She often enjoys wearing flowing gowns and has always herself with the grace of a queen, only adding to the power of her presence.     Modern Nights   Luciana was awakened from torpor in the late 20th century and spent many years traveling the world and learning about the changes that had taken place in the Kindred society. She was fascinated by the advancements in technology and science but was also dismayed by the corruption and decay that she saw all around her. It was during this time that she met Core and ultimately chose to embrace him.   One reason for this was her subconscious following of Sybil's plot to secretly place her bloodline in positions of power to be able to fight against the coming of the Antediluvians. Luciana also saw potential in Core as a leader and a warrior, intrigued by both his intelligence and strong will. She was drawn to his passion for life and his desire to make a difference in the world.   However, Luciana's decision to embrace Core was not without consequences. She altered his memory and the memory of Mateo Alvarez, a Lasombra who would believe he sired Core, in order to keep her plans secret and avoid the wrath of other Kindred who might oppose her.

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