Mateo Alvarez

Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Core (assumed)   Generation: 10     Biography   Mateo Alvarez was a member of the Camarilla and known for his political savvy and tactical mind. He was often tasked with handling delicate situations that required a diplomatic touch. Mateo was close friends with another Lasombra named Lucien, and the two often worked together on Camarilla affairs. Mateo had spent sone time traveling the world, putting some distance between the two of them. Lucien always assumed he was working on research. However, 15 years ago, Mateo called Lucien shortly before he was found dead. Some speculate that he was killed by a rival Camarilla member who saw him as a threat, while others believe that he was caught up in a power struggle within the Lasombra clan.     Appearance   Mateo had dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He was always impeccably dressed, favoring suits that accentuated his tall, lean frame. He had a commanding presence and exuded an air of confidence that made others gravitate towards him.     Modern Nights   Mateo had, at some point, traveled outside of the Tri-Island area overseas. What he found there, if anything, no one but him knew. Mateo's death still remains a mystery, and his friend Lucien has been searching for his killer ever since. Lucien believes that Mateo was taken out by a member of the Lasombra clan, but he has yet to uncover any concrete evidence.


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