
Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Octavia   Childer: Isidra , Adira , Sienna , Selene   Generation: 8       Biography   Lucien is a man who has been a member of the Camarilla for centuries, and he has a reputation for only siring beautiful young women.   He is the adoptive sire of Core.   Lucien has been a Lasombra for over 300 years, and he has seen and done it all. He is a master of shadow and darkness, and his powers have made him a feared and respected Kindred. He spends most of his nights in Elysium, where he hobnobs with other Kindred and keeps a watchful eye on his childer. Lucien is also a shrewd businessman, and he has amassed a considerable fortune over the centuries through a variety of investments and schemes.   Despite his many accomplishments, Lucien is not without his flaws. He can be cruel and manipulative, and he has a tendency to use his childer as pawns in his schemes. He sired many of his childer for their beauty and their potential to be useful, rather than out of genuine affection. Lucien also has a strong temper, and he can be quick to lash out when he feels threatened or disrespected. Another major flaw of Lucien's is his obsession over his sire, Octavia. Lucien has desired her ever since he first lay eyes upon her but she has never allowed him to lay with her, nor has she reciprocated his feelings. Because she hasn't ordered a stop to his advances, however, Lucien maintains hope that she does feel something "romantic" for him.   Lucien has taken up the habit of embracing women who remind him of his own sire having over twenty childer with a pale complexion and long, jet-black hair. Despite having a handful of childer who do not share the same physcal features as Octavia, each of them has reminded him of her in some way or another.   Lucien received word that his friend’s haven had been raided. When he got there, he found his friend destroyed and Core on the brink of the final death. Not sure who did it, but knowing Core was one of his only hopes at learning what happened here, he decided to adopt him as his Childer. Despite Core not remembering what happened after he healed, he saw that Core was a fierce fighter and a natural-born killer, which made him an ideal enforcer for himself and the Camarilla. Lucien was also drawn to Core's youthful energy and ambition, and he saw in him a potential for greatness that he wanted to cultivate, possibly even as a replacement for himself if he were to meet the final death.     Haven & Assets   Lucien is a wealthy and powerful Lasombra, and as such, he has several assets and holdings. He has an extensive network of contacts and allies within the Camarilla, and he is also well-connected with influential mortals.   Lucius has an ocean front luxurious mansion in the Lower Island, complete with multiple levels, lavish furnishings, and high-tech security systems. The mansion also includes a subterranean haven where he keeps his most valuable possessions and security measures. In addition to his mansion, Lucius owns several businesses throughout the city, including nightclubs, restaurants, and a security firm. He uses these businesses as fronts for his various illegal activities, such as money laundering and information brokering. Overall, Lucius is a shrewd and calculating businessman, and his assets and holdings reflect his powerful position within kindred and mortal society.     Appearance   Lucien stands at 5’7.5” tall with a lean frame. His sharp features are chiseled with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, which is often accentuated by his neatly trimmed beard. His piercing blue eyes are framed by thick, dark eyebrows, and his shoulder-length silver hair is often tied back in ponytail. He carries himself with a quiet confidence and a sense of authority, which is further enhanced by his elegant, expensive clothing and accessories. He often wears tailored suits, with a hint of a silver tie peeking out from under his jacket, and he completes the look with polished leather shoes and a silver pocket watch.     Modern Nights   Lucien serves his Prince as a member of the Primogen Council. He spends most nights in his mansion or Elysium, treating with guests and other important kindred as well as ‘advising’ his multitude of childer. Lucien also hosts his sire Octavia quite often. Despite Core leaving the Camarilla and embarrassing him, Lucien is hesitant to kill him due to Core being the only lead on figuring out who murdered his friend.


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