
Clan: Gangrel   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Unknown   Generation: Unknown     Biography   Nigel's past is shrouded in mystery, even to those who know him well. He was embraced into Clan Gangrel in the early 2000s and quickly discovered his passion for fighting. He spent years training and honing his skills in various fighting styles, from boxing to martial arts, and eventually became a formidable underground fighter. Nigel's Gangrel nature is evident in his appearance - he is tall and muscular, with rugged features and piercing eyes that seem to glow in the dark. He has long, unkempt hair and often wears torn clothing, giving him a feral and wild look. When he enters frenzy, his claws and fangs grow out, making him even more dangerous.     Modern Nights   Nigel first encountered The Coterie when they visited Club Keeling's underground fight club. He was immediately drawn to Everlast, recognizing him as a skilled fighter and potential rival. After a hard-fought battle, Nigel emerged victorious, earning the respect of both the crowd and the title of Champion previously held by Everlast Lacroix  Since then, Nigel has been a regular at the fight club, always looking for new challengers to test his skills against. He has even considered going pro, seeking out opportunities to fight in public arenas and make a name for himself in the mortal world and becoming successful.    However, Nigel's ambition and desire for power have also made him a dangerous figure. He is not above using underhanded tactics to win and has made enemies among both kindred and mortals. His protean powers and natural strength make him a formidable opponent, and his unpredictability and ferocity have earned him a reputation as a fearsome fighter in the city's underground fighting scene.


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