Everlast Lacroix

Clan: Banu Haqim   Generation: 11 (through diablerie) (13 originally)   Sire: Hasan Bartell   Childer: Mark Henry, Walker     Biography   Everlast was born in the Tri-Island Area. He was a student athlete all of his life, having a knack for combat sports. He wrestled since he was a little kid, and then when he was old enough he took up boxing.   A fairly intelligent but not very studious young man, Everlast’s interests brought him elsewhere. While still in high school Everlast took on training full time as an amateur boxer. He fought many fights, defeating opponent after opponent until he graduated. After high school he moved in with two friends and worked as a garbage man full time while still fighting as an amateur for extra money. All throughout this time, Everlast had a serious and passionate on-again off-again relationship with his high school sweetheart. At the age of 20, as an amateur champion in his weight division, he finally decided it was time to go pro and was planning on making the career shift soon, extremely excited for his future.     Appearance   Everlast is a young man of 20 years old with a tall, lean, atheltic, fighters' physique. He has medium length brown hair and a short brown beard to match. Everlast usually dresses in clubbing attire, button down shirts, dark slacks, matching shoes, and sunglasses.     Ghouls   Fisher, Mark Henry, Sarah Pierce, Terry, Cynthia Lynd     Equipment and Possessions   Various club outfits, fancy Arabic outfit, luxury watches (Rolex, AP), sunglasses, Pearl handled karambit, back up punch blade.     Disciplines  
  • Celerity (5):
    • Rapid Reflexes (1st lvl): The vampire suffers no penalty to dodging gunfire without cover.
    • Cat's Grace (1st lvl): The vampire can automatically pass checks to keep their balance.
    • Fleetness (2nd lvl): The vampire can add their Celerity to non-combat Dexterity checks.
    • Blink (3rd lvl): The vampire can cross large distances and still take additional actions such as make an attack.
    • Lightning Strike (5th lvl): The vampire can prevent their target from dodging or defending against the vampire's melee attacks.
  • Obfuscate (2):
    • Silence of Death (1st lvl): The vampire can nullify all sound that they make.
    • Unseen Passage (2nd lvl): The vampire can move around while staying invisible​.
  • Blood Sorcery (2):
    • Corrosive Vitae (1st lvl): Altering the properties of some of their own Blood, the user can make it highly corrosive to dead substances, able to corrode most items down to steaming sludge, given enough time and Blood shed
    • Extinguish Vitae (2nd lvl): The user can intentionally remove the unlife-giving properties of some of the Blood in another vampire, stoking their Hunger as the victim’s inner reserves curdle into impotence
  • Blood Rituals:
    • Clinging of the Insect (1st lvl): Gives the caster the ability to cling to walls like a spider.
  • Potence (3):
    • Lethal Body (1st lvl): The Kindred can cause serious physical damage to a mortal, capable of tearing skin and breaking bone.
    • Prowess (2nd lvl): The Kindred gains an overall increase in strength.
    • Uncanny Grip (3rd lvl): The Kindred is able to grip onto nearly any surface, and climb and hang unsupported from walls and ceilings.
  • Protean (2):
    • Eyes of the Beast (1)  
      • Feral Weapons (2)       Chronicle 0.5   One fateful day he received a call from his cousin who needed him to buy a package on his behalf. Everlast agreed and took his car down to meet his cousin. His cousin gave him several thousand dollars cash and told him that he would pick the package up from Everlast tomorrow evening. Everlast went and bought some clothes with the money before heading to the purchase spot.   After paying the shady contacts for an awkwardly large and heavy duffel bag, Everlast went to the truck and open-end it. It was filled with weapons. Everlast quickly closed it and began driving. Noticing he was being followed, he pulled into a gas station. Unfortunately for him he panicked, crashing his car into a nearby fire hydrant. The people in the car got out and attacked him. He managed to fight them off with his skill despite them wielding crowbars and tire irons. The final man in the car got out, however, and shot Everlast in the head.   Everlast woke up in a trunk, barely remembering what happened. Luckily for him, Hasan Bartell was nearby and keeping an eye on him. Hasan embraced him before it was too late before killing his attackers.   Everlast fled from Hasan’s compound in a panic and was tracked through the woods with the help of Xanthus and Matio.   Everything was explained to Everlast and he calmed down.   Matio and Everlast hit it off, finding work given to them by Baron Eric. On their first assignment they encountered Baron Keeling, his companion, Katrina and Core.   Despite their first encounter with Keeling and Katrina being negative they quickly became semi-sociable with them, visiting his club, Club Keeling, and taking part in his underground fight club. Everlast defeated the reigning champion Kurt Lowry and took his spot as champ.   As time went by, Everlast grew into his powers and newfound life, embracing them fully.   He infiltrated Baron “Old” Hef’s domain alongside Matio and later, Core. They reclaimed an abandoned estate, fought off biker gangs, made money, performed some museum heists, defended Fantasia from an assault, freed Abigail Lewis from Torpor, sent kindred to the final death, negotiated for the freedom of Tyrique Williamson, and even had some fun in between.   Everlast had a meeting with Nadia Kihn, his grandsire, in which she spoke in depth about their clan and answered some of his questions.   Everlast, alongside Matio, Core, and Mark Henry made their way to Locustwood Manor at the behest of Baron Eric. Communications had gone dead. Once arriving they searched the area, suspecing Abigail Lewis of lurking around waiting to possibly attack them. Core and Matio eventually found 18 out of 20 security staff dead in the woods several hundred yards from the manor. They had been killed by a curved blade, an axe, an ripped apart. Everlast was in The Catacombs when he got a call from Matio that Core was fighting someone. That someone was Bjorn Magnusson. Everlast joined the fight, using lightning strike to hit him before he could react. The three of them managed to fight and defeat Bjorn. Everlast attempted diablerie on him but was stopped by Abigal, who used presence powers on Core and Matio. Everlast attacked Abigail, damaging her before she disappeared, allowing Everlast to attempt diablerie in peace. Although it was an incomplete diablerie, Everlast's hunger was sated.   Later on that night Everlast decided to embrace Mark Henry, doing it in a bathtub in The Penthouse.   The Coterie continued to grow stronger and more unified over the next few weeks and months.     Chronicle 1.0

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