
Clan: Brujah   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Unknown   Generation: Unknown     Biography   Rafael was born in Spain in the early 16th century. He was raised in a noble family and lived a life of luxury until his mortal death at the age of 26. After his embrace by a Brujah, he joined the Sabbat and quickly rose through the ranks to become a pack-priest.   Rafael's passion for his talent for manipulation, both mental and physical, which made him a valuable asset to the Sabbat.   Rafael was known for his fiery temper and his willingness to take risks. He was not afraid to speak his mind and would often challenge the authority of those above him in the hierarchy if he believed it was in the best interest of the Sabbat. This made him some enemies, but also earned him a great deal of respect among his peers.   Despite his aggressive nature, Rafael was deeply devoted to the Sabbat cause and believed that the sect was the only way to ensure the survival of the Kindred race. He was a fierce warrior and would never hesitate to lead his pack into battle if he believed it was necessary.     Appearance   Rafael stands at a surprising 5'3" with a muscular build, broad shoulders, and strong, chiseled features. His skin is a warm tan color, and he has thick, wavy black hair that falls just past his shoulders. He has dark brown, almost black eyes that seem to bore into whoever he's speaking to, giving him an intense and imposing presence.   Rafael often dresses in dark clothing, favoring leather jackets and boots, and he wears several silver chains around his neck. He has a tattoo of a red rose on his left forearm and another tattoo of a skull on his right bicep. Overall, his appearance exudes an air of danger and rebellion.     Modern Nights   In recent years, Rafael has been stationed in Spain, near Octavia's castle. He has formed something of an alliance with his old pack mate, though it is a tenuous one at best. Rafael does not fully trust Octavia, and he is suspicious of her motives as she has recently stepped back from her once active role within the sect. However, he recognizes the power and influence she still commands within the Sabbat and knows that it would be unwise to openly oppose her.   Rafael's primary focus in recent years has been on securing the Sabbat's influence in Spain and consolidating the sect's power in the region. He feels as though this task is almost complete. He has begun turning his attention west towards the United States, seeking to establish a stronger presence in the Tri-City area where rumors of war between the various Camarilla factions and different Anarchs has been growing.


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