
Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Aurelia   Childer: Lucien   Generation: 6 (Through Diablerie) (7 Originally)     Biography   Octavia was born into a wealthy and influential Venetian family in the early 1600's. Her father was a successful merchant who traded goods with other European cities, and her mother was a socialite who was known for her beauty and charm. Octavia was their only child, and they doted on her, providing her with the best education and opportunities that money could buy.   Growing up, Octavia was always drawn to power and influence, and she quickly learned how to navigate the complex political and social hierarchies of Venetian society. She was an intelligent and ambitious young woman, and she dreamed of one day becoming a respected and influential figure in her own right.   As she entered adulthood, Octavia became increasingly involved in the political affairs of the city, using her wit and charm to win allies and manipulate her enemies. She also developed a reputation as a skilled duelist, having trained in swordplay and other forms of combat since childhood.   Octavia had been embraced sometime between 1622 and 1635 in her home city of Venice, Italy during a time of political and economic greatness. Octavia quickly established herself as a rising star among the Venetian Kindred, known for her intelligence, charm, and ruthless ambition.   Octavia went back and forth between the Camarilla and Independent sects, travelling and working with many different kindred. Being from Venice she spent a lot of time with Augustus Giovanni and other prominent kindred of the Giovanni Clan, earning their respect. She maintains ties with these kindred, who are present day members of the Hecata Clan. Most notably among these are Lucretia Giovanni and Andreas Giovanni.   It was during one of her many political maneuvers that Octavia first encountered Lucien, then a mortal nobleman and warrior who had distinguished himself on the battlefield. Impressed by his skill and his unwavering loyalty to his family, Octavia decided to Embrace him and make him her progeny.   Under Octavia's tutelage, Lucien quickly rose through the ranks of the Lasombra, using his combat prowess and strategic thinking to gain influence and power. Octavia took great pride in her progeny's accomplishments, but also harbored a deep jealousy and possessiveness towards him.   She was impressed by his intelligence and ambition and saw in him a kindred spirit. They quickly became close with her embracing him, and Lucien soon became one of her most trusted allies and advisors. Over the years, Octavia has watched with pride as Lucien has risen through the ranks of the Camarilla, becoming a respected and feared Ancilla and eventually Elder in his own right. She has always been there to support him, and to offer her guidance when he needed it.   Octavia is also aware of Lucien's desire for her but has never indulged him. And though they have had their differences over the years, this included, their bond remains as strong as ever.     Appearance   Octavia is a striking woman, standing at 5'7.5" with a slim yet curvaceous figure. She has a porcelain complexion that contrasts with her long, jet-black hair, which falls in gentle waves down her back giving her a naturally gothic look. Her face is heart-shaped, with full lips, a straight nose, and wide, expressive eyes that are a deep shade of green. Her makeup is usually minimal with just a hint of eyeliner and a pale pink lip color. She often wears dark, form-fitting clothing that shows off her figure, paired with elegant yet simple jewelry. Despite her imposing aura, there is a softness to her features that suggests a hidden vulnerability.       Modern Nights   Octavia, a powerful and feared Lord who lives in a Prince’s domain somewhere in the Tri-Island area. She has allowed Lucien to become the Primogen for Clan Lasombra in court but make no mistake, she doesn’t answer to or serve him. She was welcomed by the Prince as an “Honored Guest”. Her main goals seem to be elevating the status of Clan Lasombra within the Camarilla as they are looked down upon and viewed with suspicion.


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