Santiago Cortez

Clan: Unknown (Brujah seems likely)   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Unknown   Generation: Unknown     Biography   Santiago Cortez is a determined and ambitious member of the Sabbat who hails from Spain. Despite his relatively young age, Santiago possesses a burning desire to prove himself and ascend the ranks of the Black Hand. His unwavering dedication to the Sabbat's cause fuels his intense drive to eradicate the Camarilla and assert dominance over the Kindred of the Tri-Island area.   Born into a family with a long history of involvement in the occult, Santiago grew up surrounded by legends and tales of vampires. Fascinated by the supernatural, he delved deep into ancient texts and rituals, seeking knowledge that would grant him power over the undead. He was located and embraced by his sire. His obsession with the superiority of the Sabbat over the Camarilla became an integral part of his identity, fueling his determination to prove himself as a leader within their ranks.     Appearance   Santiago possesses a rugged charm, with dark hair and piercing eyes that betray his nervousness and inner turmoil. His features bear the weight of his aspirations and the constant pressure to prove his worth to the Black Hand. Despite his desire for authority, Santiago's youthful appearance often belies his true capabilities, making him feel self-conscious in the presence of his more experienced and formidable packmates.     Modern Nights   In the modern nights, Santiago finds himself in a challenging position. Though he was initially granted "control" over the other members of the pack, consisting of Black Hand operatives, he soon realizes the folly of such expectations. The very Kindred he was meant to lead both intrigue and intimidate him, causing a sense of unease and self-doubt.   While Santiago recognizes the power and capabilities of his packmates, he struggles to assert his authority over them. Their strong personalities and individual agendas make it clear that they are not easily swayed or controlled. This realization creates a constant inner conflict within Santiago, torn between his eagerness to prove himself and his anxiety over the unpredictable dynamics of the pack.   Despite his nervous disposition, Santiago's determination to fulfill his role and achieve his ambitions remains unwavering. He channels his nervous energy into meticulous planning, seeking opportunities to showcase his skills and prove his worth. He has tirelessly begun his studies Kindred politics within the Tri-Island area, including the strengths and weaknesses of his adversaries, hoping to find a strategy that will lead the Sabbat to victory.   While Santiago may not possess the raw power or experience of his packmates, he compensates with a keen intellect and a deep understanding of the Sabbat's ideology. He becomes the voice of strategy and coordination within the pack, offering insights and suggestions born from careful analysis and observation.   Santiago and his kamut had taken a cargo ship named the Demeter into the Tri-Island area. They have docked and begun going about their business, planning their domination over the city and the deaths of any and all who oppose them.   Matio had seen him within a vision.

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