
Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Lucien   Childer: Unknown   Generation: 9     Biography   Sienna's background is shrouded in mystery, but it is known that she comes from a wealthy family and was turned into a vampire against her will. She quickly adapted to her new life and found her calling as an enforcer for the Camarilla, using her skills and agility to carry out the will of her Prince.   As an assassin and enforcer, Sienna is a force to be reckoned with. She is skilled in various forms of combat and is particularly adept at hand-to-hand combat and the use of bladed weapons. She is also an expert in infiltration and can move through the shadows unnoticed. Her reputation as a cold and efficient killer precedes her, and she is feared by many.     Appearance   Sienna is a stunning woman with chest length brown hair and light brown eyes. She has a lean, athletic, and curvaceous figure and stands at 5'7". She often wears black leather and combat boots and is never seen without a weapon on her person. Sienna was fiercely loyal to Core during their time in the Camarilla together and was devastated when he left. She briefly considered leaving with him, but ultimately decided to stay and continue her work as an enforcer for the Camarilla. She still has feelings for Core but resents him for abandoning her and their shared cause. She has a particular love for diamonds and can often be seen wearing diamond-studded jewelry.     Haven   Sienna's compound is heavily guarded, with additional security measures such as alarms and cameras installed throughout. Her ghouls act as her first line of defense, with additional guards stationed at the entrance to the compound. The house itself is extremely secure, with every amenity Sienna could want. She spends most of her time here when not carrying out the orders of her Prince.     Modern Nights   Sienna is an enforcer for her Prince, leading combat teams, completing high risk jobs, and threatening who needs to be threatened.


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