Song of Andichar's treasure by Gervais the bard
Extract from the Compilation of songs by Gervais the Bard found in the possession of Gore's target. These were the lines the madman uttered under interrogation.
But for myself I ran below
beyond the edge of the seas to which the rivers flow
to where tears pour down in angry steams
and the rainbow shatters and glimmers and gleams
moonstone and sapphire and emerald and citrine but its in between the rubelite, the ruby, the tiger eye where moonstone no longer reflects from the sky.
This version was found in the Amberlight library by Wyldo Marsh
But for myself, I ran below beyond the edge of the seas to which the rivers flow to where tears pour down in angry streams and the rainbow shatters and glimmers and gleams
Our brave sun broken into gemstones between, to moonstone and sapphire and emerald and citrine but its between the rubelite, the ruby, the tiger eye where moonstone no longer reflects from the sky
There is the castle, stolen from the ruby rose Sealed from greedy hands by the gods who arose The window is opened by a radiant glow But the door is hammered shut, no gifts to bestow
A great hall, a throne, a wonder to behold Like a great tankard filled up with gold and trinkets and weapons, a cursed bitter foam In a land where only giants dare to roam.
But even the greatest of their kings can't open the door The door, ever shut 'til one knocks with the full might of Thor
moonstone and sapphire and emerald and citrine but its in between the rubelite, the ruby, the tiger eye where moonstone no longer reflects from the sky.
This version was found in the Amberlight library by Wyldo Marsh
But for myself, I ran below beyond the edge of the seas to which the rivers flow to where tears pour down in angry streams and the rainbow shatters and glimmers and gleams
Our brave sun broken into gemstones between, to moonstone and sapphire and emerald and citrine but its between the rubelite, the ruby, the tiger eye where moonstone no longer reflects from the sky
There is the castle, stolen from the ruby rose Sealed from greedy hands by the gods who arose The window is opened by a radiant glow But the door is hammered shut, no gifts to bestow
A great hall, a throne, a wonder to behold Like a great tankard filled up with gold and trinkets and weapons, a cursed bitter foam In a land where only giants dare to roam.
But even the greatest of their kings can't open the door The door, ever shut 'til one knocks with the full might of Thor