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Dmarluun - The Eye of the Storm

Dmarluun (he/him) is one of the Prime Elementals and rules the Air Plane alongside Gisgra - Whisper on the Wind. While Gisgra represents the more calm and refreshing form of air, Dmarluun represents the more chaotic, tumultuous nature. Dmarluun holds sway over lightning, electricity, tornadoes, and storms. While Dmarluun is often feared, he is not considered evil as just as many people pray to him to bring rain as they pray to keep his storms away.
Edicts: Harness the power of electricity, weather storms, respect the air
Anathema: Disrespect the air, ground electricity, fear or run away from non-life threatening storms
Divine Ability: Wisdom
Divine Font: Harm or Heal
Divine Sanctification: None
Divine Skill: Nature
Favored Weapon: *TBD*
Domains: Water, Lightning, Destruction, Darkness
Alternate Domains: Travel, Freedom, Zeal, Might
Cleric Spells: *TBD*


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