Kat Chiron's Summer Camp 2023 Reading Challenge

by Kat Chiron in Canva

  Well I'm very pleased and proud to say I reached my Summer Camp 2023 goal of completing 16 prompts to achieve 'Silver'!   You can find links to all my prompt articles at Summer Camp 2023.   I ended up worldbuilding for a realm that I'd imagined but hadn't written anything for before - Vyrvania, a vampire megalopolis! So if you like vampires, and secrets and intrigue, I'd be happy for you to visit my world Vyrvania. I will continue working on this world after the reading challenge and plan to write some serial fiction for it - so please follow me if you're interested in following me as I breathe 'life' into this new world!!    
  I have chosen the following Summer Camp prompts for my Reading Challenge. I chose them because they were prompts I did not submit and from the Copper and Gold waves, as I completed the least articles for these categories. The 3 articles for each prompt were then chosen at random.  


Species | Nov 30, 2023
Being a cat-lover I enjoyed reading this article and love that they're protectors of the waking realm rather than the breath-stealers of Urban myth! Would like to hear more about this species and in particular, 'His Luna'.
Species | Aug 10, 2023
I was drawn to this article as I think of Raven's as birds of 'omen'. Although the information here suggests that they are mainly considered just a 'common' species that the vnou people don't take much notice of...I feel there are secrets that have yet to be told about them and the affiliation of the noble Zhu'Shpazh family. Looking forward to seeing if anything comes of this feeling....
Species | Sep 10, 2024

A massive psionic bird that's the symbol of resistance on Rada.

The Phoenix...such a magnificent 'mythological' creature. I hope that the Radan that escaped death can 'save the Phoenix' and 'save the world'! Thrilling stuff!  


Moon Saber
Item | May 21, 2024
The Moon Saber seems to be an 'Excalibur' amongst the shifter tribes of this world. I wonder who will be the next 'true' hero to wield this sacred blade?
Dread Crown
Item | Oct 25, 2023
The Dread Crown sounds like an artefact that would be at home in my 'vampire' world. I'd like to know more about the myths about this significant item and its effects on those that adorn it!


Face Stealer
Myth | Nov 12, 2023
I have a similar myth/legend in my own world. I'd love to hear more examples of how face-stealers have deceived others in the world of Kald!
Oath of the Forest
Myth | Jul 23, 2023

Every sprite child knows they will one day swear an oath to the trees. But they only think they know the reason.

A sad and sombre tale seemingly highlighting the plight of the 'natural' world from humans. But reading on there is an even more tragic twist to the tale! What will happen if the truth comes out?!  

Worldbuilding Goals...

  I surprised myself with the creation of this new world as I'd originally thought I would work on a different realm from The Enchanted Realms. But it organically grew from the first prompt article I wrote and now I want to dive even deeper into this world after the Summer Camp awards. So I will be...
  • Continue to work on Vyrvania
  • Write/Publish some serial fiction for this world
  • Work on a more suitable design/theme for the Vyrvania pages
  • ...and I think that's probably plenty to be going on with for the rest of the year!    


    And last but not least here is a long list of all the wonderful 'beans' and their worlds that have inspired me during Summer Camp 2023!  


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Aug 11, 2023 15:01

    Thank you for the feature!

    Kriltch, arcanities not included.
    Aug 13, 2023 22:21 by Mochi

    I am honoured to be inspiration <33 Congrats on reaching your Summer Camp goal!!

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
    Aug 13, 2023 22:47 by Amy Winters-Voss

    Aww! I'm honored my world is part of your inspiration. <3 And congrats on reaching silver!!!!!

    Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
    Aug 14, 2023 00:13 by Dani

    You did it!!! Congrats on Silver, and congrats on launching forward with your vampire world! You have gotten inspiration from incredible beans and I'm so tickled to be part of that awesome list, that's so cool <3 I look forward to seeing what inspiration is brought into the future as you tackle your serial fiction!! You've got a lovely lineup of vamps in the Thornwood family, and I want to know their secrets :D

    You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
    Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
    Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
    Aug 14, 2023 12:02

    I feel super blessed that you consider my Summer Camp stuff an inspiration and can wholeheartedly say the feeling is mutual <3

    Yours truly, Nino.
    Its Worldember!I am building out a spooky world, which you can read about here! (psst, its a link)
    To learn about my main world click on this link! (if you want to ;) )
    Aug 15, 2023 15:31 by Nimin N

    Congratulations for reaching your goal! You've really done headways in your new world and I'm looking forward to see you expand Vyrvania more. Excited to hear the plans for a serial fiction in this setting too!   Thank you also so much for featuring my fairy tale, and I'm so honored at seeing my world listed as part of your inspiration. <3

    Aug 16, 2023 19:42

    Ohhh!! I'm so happy that my world has inspired you :3 !! And also congratulations on reaching silver!!! <3

    Aug 20, 2023 18:54 by Melissa

    Thanks for sharing my world! Summer Camp has been a great way for me to explore what everyone else is coming up with. Thank you for introducing me to several more worlds.

    Aug 25, 2023 18:18

    Thank you for including my world in your list of inspiration! Wasn't the challenge fun? I had a blast! After reading other articles like yours, I have updated my reading article with a new set of goals. I am finding the community aspect of WA really motivating. Happy World Building!

    __________   Check out my World! The New Realm
      Don't forget to follow!
    *Spelling mistakes, subject changes and other peculiar oddities curtesy of my ADD.
    Aug 26, 2023 22:43 by Rin Garnett

    Thanks so much for the feature and congrats on reaching your silvery goal! Love it when inspiration strikes and takes you on a ride :)

    Aug 28, 2023 01:59 by Stormbril

    I'm always so happy to be an inspiration for people! And I'm also honored to have an article as part of your reading challenge here -- thank you so much for the inclusion! <3   Good luck with your writing goals!! Write that fiction, do the thing, be awesome >:D

    Aug 31, 2023 02:28 by Marjorie Ariel

    Congrats on meeting your goal! I've enjoyed reading your articles this summer, and I look forward to reading your fiction too! Thanks for featuring my article and my world. I feel honored <3