Summer Camp 2023



  I'm fairly new to World Anvil and this will be my first Summer Camp and the first ever WA challenge I've taken part in!   I'm very excited but also don't want to become overwhelmed by all the excitement so have decided to take a leaf out of Annie Stein's 'Camp Chill' guidelines (see sidebar).   So, I plan to complete at least 16 prompts and snag myself the 'silver' badge, but will be taking each day as it comes and continuing to work on my novel as my main goal.   All prompts will be created for one of the worlds/realms within my The Enchanted Realms Series.  


Each Saturday in June 2023, World Anvil are releasing the homework and the Themes for Summer Camp 2023. Below are how I feel each theme may present itself in my world(s).  

Theme 1 - Power

The Enchanted Realms resemble The Norse World Tree. As well as an Earthly realm there will be other realms that are home to different groups of supernatural beings - Faerys,Vampires, Shapeshifters, Witches and possibly others. Each group has different strengths and weaknesses that are determined by abilities, magical powers or resources. At the beginning of this story the Vampires are at the 'top of the tree'. However they are starting to lose their grip on this overriding power because of a 'weakness' that they will need help from the other factions to overcome.

Theme 2 - Frontiers

The main Frontier in the The Enchanted Realms is the tower/tor seen on a hilltop from the village in the Earthly realm. It is a portal between the Earthly realm and the other realms. It was sealed shut 15 years previously and the people in the village don't know why. All they know is that people have gone missing or were cut off when visiting the other realms all those years ago. The people in the village need to find a way to reopen the portal or magic in the Earthly realm will die out forever. The quest to reopen the portal is set in motion when Cassie is sent to stay with her Gran in the village and finds out about her magical powers and the mystery of what happend in the village 15 years ago!   Another Frontier might be the race to find magical cures/medicines for things that are happening in other realms.

Theme 3 - Relics

As there are several races that inhabit The Enchanted Realms that have lived for a long time there is bound to be relics of the past such as ancient magical or symbolic artefacts and maybe even ancient beings that are enshrined and revered at sacred places.   The first series will be centred around a group of teens/young adults in the Earthly realm, that will be fulfilling a different quest in each book. Each quest will likely centre around a mysterious 'relic' and mystery that needs to be solved.

Theme 4 - Communication

After a bit of brainstorming I realised that there will likely be a lot of areas related to communication to explore across The Enchanted Realms.   In the first book travel and communication has been cut off between the realms. However, there will be hints that other beings from the other realms are trying to contact the Earthly Realm i.e. the finding of a significant object, etched symbols, diary entries, divination.   Other areas I might consider exploring are that communication through technology or magic may be more advanced in different realms.
  This article will be updated after each Theme reveal in June 2023 and throughout the challenge during July 2023.    

Event Name

Summer Camp 2023


Kat Chiron


Copper Power
4 out of 8
Silver Frontier
5 out of 8
Gold Relics
2 out of 8
Diamond Communication
5 out of 8

All Articles
16 out of 32

Copper Power

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts

Silver Frontier

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts

Gold Relics

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts

Diamond Communication

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts


Copper Power

Prompt 1
A powerful organisation in your world
Prompt 2
A seat of power (of any kind!)
Prompt 3
A resource that provides fuel or power
Prompt 4
An animal associated with, or symbolizing, power
Prompt 5
A culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation
Prompt 6
Military Conflict
A conflict between two unequal powers in your world
Prompt 7
The title & responsibilities of an important person in your world
Prompt 8
Natural Law
A destructive natural or supernatural event
Wild Card Prompt 9
Optional: A species known for its mischievous personlality
Wild Card Prompt 10
Optional: A popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity

Silver Frontier

Prompt 1
An unclaimed, unregulated, or lawless region in your setting
Prompt 2
A settlement at the limits of the "known" or "civilized" world
Prompt 3
A job that takaes its practitioners to remote or faraway places
Prompt 4
An animal found in a non-populated area
Prompt 5
A useful plant found in a wild area of your world
Prompt 6
A material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous location
Prompt 7
A character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore
Prompt 8
A cuisine from a sparse, barren or remote region in your world
Wild Card Prompt 9
An iconic building or landmark representing a location
Wild Card Prompt 10
A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world

Gold Relics

Prompt 1
A tradition or behavior considered old fashioned
Prompt 2
An item of great cultural or religious significance to a people in your world
Prompt 3
An ancient city that is still inhabited today
Prompt 4
A historical figure still venerated today, and why
Prompt 5
A profession that has been rendered obsolete
Prompt 6
A children's tale or song based on a real event
Prompt 7
A species now considered extinct
Prompt 8
A historical culture whose influence is still felt today
Wild Card Prompt 9
A ceremony that represents a transition or transfer
Wild Card Prompt 10
Natural Law
A rare natural phenomenon that most people look forward to

Diamond Communication

Prompt 1
A method used to carry goods over long distances
Prompt 2
A system to send messages between distant places
Prompt 3
A form of silent communication
Prompt 4
An organization for which recruiting or proselytizing is important
Prompt 5
A species with and unusual form of communication
Prompt 6
A character who excels in manipulating others
Prompt 7
An important public announcement that one person addressed to many
Prompt 8
A building or landmark used for, or associated with, communication
Wild Card Prompt 9
A person who prefers to lurk in the shadows
Wild Card Prompt 10
A "negative" condition that has hidden advantages

This article is a work in progress!

Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines

- Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.

- Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.

- Relax when you feel tired.

- Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.

- Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.
(Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.)

To use this block on your own camp pages: [block:1050823]

    To Do List

  • Create Categories
  • Brainstorm Themes
  • Find and Curate Images

Hoping to snag this badge during Summer Camp too!

Spooky Shenanigans Challenge Badge
Spooky Shenanigans by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer camp days are full of riding, hiking, and fishing. Laughing with friends, swimming in the lake, walking in the woods. They're full of sunshine, fresh air, butterflies, and bird calls.

But summer camp nights are an experience all their own. The ever-present cascade of crickets and frogs on the thick night air. Fireflies sprinkled through the underbrush sparkle like bioluminescent glitter clinging to the cloying aroma of honeysuckle on the moist air.

And late in the night, after all the scardy-cats have gone to bed, we gather. Drenched in the smell of wood-smoke and half-hidden in the long-legged, dancing shadows of the low campfire flames, we tell our tales of the spooky, the cryptic, the haunted and possessed.

— Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Are YOU Afraid of the Dark?

If you're like me, then you look for any excuse you can to work a little bit of the spooky, the creepy, the mysterious and unexplained into your world. After all, everybody loves a good story about a monster under the bed, things that go bump in the night, or that weird thing that disappeared into the bushes.

The Challenge: Spooky Shenanigans

Claim this badge when you submit one (or more) Summer Camp eligible article that also features information about:

    • a ghost/haunted house/cursed object, OR
    • a cryptozoological mystery, OR
    • a legendary true crime.

This is an honor-system badge, I won't be checking. But I think it's a fun little extra challenge, especially if you're building a spooky world or just like telling ghost stories.

  Created by Haly the Moonlight Bard. Snag this with: [imgblock:4613570] or [img:4613570]


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Jun 11, 2023 10:31 by Nimin N

Welcome to World Anvil! I wish you the best in reaching your goals this Summer Camp, and hope you'll enjoy the event. I'm looking forward to see what you come up with for the prompts!

Jun 11, 2023 11:18 by Kat Chiron

Thank you so much for dropping by.   Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the prompts too :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 11, 2023 13:27

Welcome to the community! I'm sure you'll have a great time around here :D Good luck with Silver!

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Jun 12, 2023 10:34 by Kat Chiron

Thanks for the Welcome Ondo!   I'm going to really enjoy taking part in my first Summer Camp. Hope yours goes great too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 11, 2023 13:34 by TJ Trewin

Enjoy a super relaxed pace on your quest for the shiny silver badge! You've got this :D You'll have an absolute blast during summer camp   What kind of things do you enjoy worldbuilding the most?

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 12, 2023 10:38 by Kat Chiron

Thanks TJ for dropping by and your lovely words of encouragement.   I'm looking forward to working on the settings, characters and magic system of my world(s) at my own pace making the most of the summer vibe!   Hope you have a great Summer Camp too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 11, 2023 20:20 by Marjorie Ariel

Welcome to World Anvil, and to summer camp! Looking forward to seeing what you create!

Jun 12, 2023 10:40 by Kat Chiron

Thanks Molly for the Welcome and dropping by!   Hope you have a great Summer Camp! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 12, 2023 12:05

Oh, how fun! I love paranormal stuff! I really like the chill badge! Don’t get overwhelmed! It’s a great reminder. Good luck on reaching your goal!

__________   Check out my World! The New Realm
  Don't forget to follow!
*Spelling mistakes, subject changes and other peculiar oddities curtesy of my ADD.
Jun 13, 2023 20:34 by Kat Chiron

Thank you Ruby. Hope Summer Camp goes well for you too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jul 8, 2023 00:30

Hello Kat! How are you progressing with the prompts? Sending you a "First Summer Camp Fist Pump!"

__________   Check out my World! The New Realm
  Don't forget to follow!
*Spelling mistakes, subject changes and other peculiar oddities curtesy of my ADD.
Jul 8, 2023 15:28 by Kat Chiron

Thanks for stopping by again Ruby and thanks for the motivational fist pump! :)   It's been a slow start as I've pretty much started from scratch, but now have 2 prompt submissions under my belt.   How's your Summer Camp going? Sending you magical vibes! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 12, 2023 14:36

Hey there, fellow first-timer! I wish you luck and favorable prompts for the upcoming summer camp!

The Eternal Hymn sounds into perpetuity on Nascindor
Jun 13, 2023 20:35 by Kat Chiron

Thanks for dropping by Shaaman.   Hope you have a great first Summer Camp too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 12, 2023 19:30 by Michael Huttar

Welcome to World Anvil! Glad to see another face added to the community! I'm also new to the WA Summer Camp process. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. You've got an interesting concept for your world, can't wait to see where it goes. Good luck with your writing!!!

--Michael P. Huttar, PrestontheDM
Jun 13, 2023 20:37 by Kat Chiron

Thank you for the kind comments Michael.   Hope you have a great Summer Camp too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 15, 2023 08:59 by AP.

Welcome to the wonderful World Anvil and your first challenge! It is very easy to be overwhelmed from these things but here's hoping we can help with that and encourage you to take it easy when you need to. Good luck with getting to Silver! You totally got this!

Jun 18, 2023 12:03 by Kat Chiron

Thanks for the lovely words of encouragement AP. World Anvil has such a great community. Good luck with your Summer Camp too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 15, 2023 17:23

Enjoy your first first Summer Camp in World Anvil! The Camp Chill rules will probably help :) It sounds like the inhabitants of the Enchanted Realms are interesting enough to make it a fun ride.

Jun 18, 2023 12:05 by Kat Chiron

Thank You! I'm really looking forward to delving into my realms with the Summer Camp prompts. Hope you have a great Summer Camp too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 15, 2023 20:35 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

Yas! Welcome to your first Summer Camp! It's my first SC as well, and it also coincides with my one-year World Anvil-versary (July 7th).   Personally, I chose Diamond, because 300 words/day feels easy after having completed a NaNoWriMo, LOL!!! And I like to believe that I can write 300 words about anything. (I used to write reviews for a blog about $3x toys, so....)   What template are you really, really hoping to get as a challenge??

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

Rhapsody in Realms FREE on Substack!

Jun 18, 2023 12:11 by Kat Chiron

Sounds like you're more than ready for this Moonlight Bard! :)   Looking forward to seeing your Summer Camp prompts.   I think the areas I'm hoping to be able to delve into are the characters and magic system.   Best of luck with Summer Camp! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 18, 2023 19:52 by Marc Zipper

Hope you have fun with your first summer camp it's going to be a lot of fun you'll have so many props you won't know what to create and come up with too many ideas so take it easy and have fun. Hope this helps your novel.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Jun 20, 2023 10:15 by Kat Chiron

Thank you!   Hope your Summer Camp goes well too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 23, 2023 11:54 by Rin Garnett

Greetings fellow first-time camper, and welcome to camp chill! Best of luck reaching silver next month, and may the prompts be forever in your favor :)

Jun 26, 2023 10:41 by Kat Chiron

Thanks for stopping by!   May the prompts be forever in your favour too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 26, 2023 08:00

There is no time like the first time!
Best of luck and may the inspiration be with you!

Have a look at my entries for:
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Jun 26, 2023 10:42 by Kat Chiron

Thank you! Hope you have a great Summer Camp too! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 27, 2023 18:01 by DM SIr Swank99

Good Luck!

Jun 28, 2023 10:03 by Kat Chiron

Thank you. :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 28, 2023 14:48 by Tiqdreng

Really looking forward to see how your world evolves! Being brand new to WA as well, I am being quite selfish in trying to glean all I can from everyone! :)   Here's to your world evolving in ways that you never expected through the prompts and bringing that spark of "OOOOOOOOoooooo That is neat!" as well.

Jun 29, 2023 12:02 by Kat Chiron

Thank you. :)   Looking forward to seeing everyone's worldbuilding for Summer Camp too! Hope you have a great time! :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jul 7, 2023 19:12 by Eric

I'll definitely be shooting for that spooky shenanigans badge, unofficial or not! I'm rather fond of peppering my fantasy with horror elements.

Jul 10, 2023 18:06 by Kat Chiron

Great. I look forward to seeing your spooky shenanigans. :)

⛱️See my Summer Camp Homework 2024   ⚒️Watch me build Vyrvania: City of Secrets   ✍️Visit my Author page
Jun 23, 2024 04:18 by DM SIr Swank99

how do you do the progress bars. Also are you doing summer camp 24?