At the southeast corner of Bukana, lies the cluster of islands of Akar Kusut, the Tangleroot Isles. In the dense jungles that give the region its name, the Berani tribes reign supreme. These people live in tandem with the natural world, supplementing their farming, fishing, and hunting with frequent raids on local communities and vessels. The Berani are notorious headhunters and anyone dealing with them is extremely careful to avoid their ire lest they become embroiled in their bloody ritual feuds.
Each tribe is led by a powerful warrior, who is counseled by druids and balians. They have no pantheon and no native clerics. The Berani are pure animists, they pay homage to a multitude of nature spirits as well as their ancestors. However, they do not hold any spirits, regardless of power, as gods. The Amethyst Church has sent out numerous missionaries from the nearby sultanates and have made some limited success in converting the Berani tribes. This has caused trouble, as the tribes that embrace the new religion are then targeted by their more traditional Berani neighbors.
Dev. Notes - Inspired largely by the Batak and other tribes of the Palawan and nearby islands.
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