
Fully named Esclabor-at-Worldsend or Wyrmsbane Esclavora, Esclabor is the largest of the great battlements carved into the peaks of Margulis Mons on the far eastern reaches of Jura, collectively called the Worldsend Eyries or Wyrmsbane Battlements. They tower above Jura's spiritual capital, The Holy City of Calm, which is in turn found high above base camp in Seren-Petra. They were built under the direction of Jura's first ruler, an oracle and archmage named Galbraith of Kunisia, possibly with the assistance of the dwarves of Nibelheim.

Arguably the most defensible mundane structure on the plane (in other words, not counting the dimensional anomaly of Stargrave), Esclabor and the Eyries were built to defend against the God of Annihilation, Elir-Otrinax, and its draconic armies during the First Dragon Wars of the Late First Age. Untold thousands of refugees made their homes here during the height of the draconic assaults.

Esclabor is now rumoured to be the true headquarters of Jura's rulers, the mysterious Conciliat Panharmonica.  


All Worldsend Eyries are a series of warrens, arrow slits, ballista nests, ramparts and platforms carved into Margulis Mons's face. The face is on the inside of an overall concave curve, making the angles of approach extremely limited for dragons or other flying creatures to make an effective assault. The face has since been flattened and immaculately decorated with victory stelae. There is evidence of extensive use of stonesculpting-type arcane magic, an art that is all but lost in the Third Age.  


Most immediately noticeable about Esclabor is an series of astounding reliefs carved onto the mountain's flattened façade, about 25 metres in height. Though somewhat weather-worn, the reliefs show a triptych of three visual "chapters" of the First Dragon Wars, each a generally vertical series of events framed by traditional Juran folk patterns.

  1. Jura's first Emperor, Galbraith of Kunisia, can be seen establishing Esclabor and the Eyries in the first relief. Some of the workers are drawn particularly stout, suggesting the construction may have been aided by the legendary dwarves of Nibelheim.
  2. The second image of the triptych displays a sprawling landscape devastated by dragonfire. Anzu Riders can be seen challenging them in the air while bolts are flung from massive ballistae on the ground.
  3. The third relief, presenting a sombre, phyrric Humanoid victory, indicates it was carved some time after the Wars' resolution. The Sphinx God and Otrinax's eventual captor, Tallari-Anaviri-Irallat, can be seen in the third relief, alongside their elite forces, the Dragon Knights of Tallarax.
    Music: A chant performed by a Juran knights' chorus, said to originate from battlechants sung by the original defenders of Esclabor.



1220 I.M. (The First Dragon Wars)

Holy City of Calm

Jura, The Lorent

Galbraith of Kunisia
The Dragon Knights of Tallarax
The Dwarves of Nibelheim (rumoured)


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Aug 7, 2024 22:39 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Places hollowed out of cliff walls and mountain faces are so cool! I love how Esclabor didn't just provided protection, but an opportunity to fight back as well. I can picture the beautiful reliefs etched into the facade!

Aug 8, 2024 20:56 by Alan Byers

I'm so glad you enjoyed, Dude