
Vierix Euphraxia was a sorcerer, alchemist, occultist, necromancer, arcane theoretician, Lichlord and Colonial God of The New Rozsan Empire, in the First Age of Waking Materia.

Euphraxia was permanently killed in the Hemlock Veldt Disaster, in a god-clash with the powerful Hecath Queen, Raggedy Azra.

The Ashen's alignment is no longer known but was likely Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Vierix Euphraxia Image Gallery (External)  


The Ashen. Euphraxia of the Long Arm. Perhaps the most polarizing and controversial of the Nireauan Lichlords, Euphraxia appears to be regarded by scholars as either a messiah or utterly insane, with few opinions resting in between. Similar to Orgonon the Sagacious, she was both a ruling councilmember and a religious leader in her own right, but that’s where the comparison ends. Until the collapse of the Nireauan Empire, Euphraxia desired only one thing: to create the Philosopher’s Stone, a sort of organic gemstone that, when used as a phylactery by a Lichlord, allows them to share the combined power of all souls trapped within it. This would give Euphraxia a greatly accelerated path to Overgodhood. Where Orgonon’s followers cultivate mental and physical fitness for exploring the Twilight Eternities, Euphraxia’s followers spent their lives cultivating the most quintessence, to be released when they commit ritual suicide at the Altar of the Stone Philosophers, paving the way further to realizing Euphraxia's unlife-long obsession.  

The Hemlock Veldt Disaster

One of the few Hecath Queens who understood the threat of these new, relatively hairless humanoids, Raggedy Azra would come to blows with the nearby Nireauan fief of Lochthwain, the domain of Euphraxia. The Ashen was the main driving force behind the war with the Hecath, and was even prepared to conduct her own campaign if the Empire was unwilling: the Lichlord was convinced the alien time magic of the Hecath was the key to the creation of the fabled Philosopher's Stone. Since the Hecath would not share their magic voluntarily, she would take the knowledge by force.

Raggedy Azra learned of Euphraxia's plan to bring a Hecath island continent to its knees by way of a virulent arcane contagion, which spreads violent insanity through the local spirit population, to whom the Hecath were sensitive. The resulting chaos would distract and weaken the Saprolings enough for conquest.

Azra confronted the Euphraxian Guard directly in a god-clash that features strongly in some Material mythologies to this day. Unable to kill the Lichlord or disrupt the ritual casting in time, Azra was forced to do the next best thing: she used time magic to accelerate the ritual, causing it to "detonate" locally instead of traveling the distance to the Hecath lands. As it took place in the relatively empty plains of the Hemlock Veldt, the damage was minimal, but nonetheless both Raggedy Azra and Euphraxia perished in the disaster. The Ashen's phylactery couldn't save her: the frenzied spirits tore her ghost apart before it could return to her sanctum.

Vierix Euphraxia

Colonial God, presumped Deceased

New Rozsan Empire

Middle First Age

Unknown (The Deluge?)

Enchantment, Necromancy

Banner art credit: Maddi Gonzalez


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