Departed Gods

"Now watch closely, everyone. I'm going to show you how to kill a god."  
— Eboshi
Princess Mononoke

The Departed Gods are a pantheon or classification of Material demigods that are no longer "present in Material affairs" in a permanent sense. As gods do not die of old age, this usually means they were killed—perhaps by another god, a hero/villain or great catastrophe—but can also encompass any other kind of permanent disappearance, perhaps by choice or by somehow having their godhood removed (a process that is only theoretical or apocryphal). Gods can sometimes disappear for long stretches and return; as such only ancient gods, whose absence can safely be considered permanent, can be classified as Departed.


Known Members

Known Departed Gods are likely only a fraction of demigods that have lived and died, since the apocalyptic Deluge destroyed the majority of First Age writings and artwork. Those known are as follows.

Profile: Falkor'atru the Wise, first known commander of the Dragon Knights of Tallarax.
Illus. Logan Marshall (CC0)

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