Galateid (ga-la-TAY-id)

Ghosts in the Shell Like the Varya, but of Jointed Porcelain, Flowstone or Clockwork

Mysterious beings generally found only in Nibelheim or the inner echelons of the Juran Holy City of Calm, the Galateids are apparent “cousins” of the Varya, sharing the plant beings’ nature as “ghosts in the shell,” but whose shells are of hand-crafted materials like jointed porcelain or flowstone as opposed to the guided growth of Elderbirch roots.

Galateids are different from other constructs for one simple but astounding reason: they have souls. This may be confirmed in a variety of ways: a major example is that galateids are able to dream, casting their soul into the Dream Time, attached to the mysterious Thread of Silver. They die and can be resurrected in the same manner as organic humanoids. They are able to harness ki energy, which is thought to be the primal energy of one's individual soul. Spells that trap or otherwise affect souls, like Magic Jar, work normally. And so on.

Galateids are almost unheard of outside of Calm, and those who leave the protection of the Order of the Clocktower are wise to keep their natures a secret. Nibelheimer galateids are generally not of an adventursome disposition, and so have little interest in primitive surfacer cultures.  


  See also: Galateid Image Gallery (External)
Similar to the varya, galateids may take any form their creator wishes, though as a sapient people, they are generally given standard(ish) humanoid shapes and sizes to reduce their sense of alienation from the majority "organic" population. A notable exception to this are the dwarven Palatíín Class of Nibelheim, who are typically centaur-structured. (As a powerful, military-oriented Lodge, the Palatíín are not in a position to need social cohesion with the masses; indeed some hardliners consider the very concept to be sacrilege.)  


Galateids have two primary lineages on Waking Materia: either from The Holy City of Calm via the Nireauan Lichlord Vierix Pramanix, or from the dwarves of Nibelheim, who are of an even more ancient make, before even the First Empires of Man.  


The first Galateid is simply known as Lily, whispered to be the “daughter” of an ancient artificer and oneiromancer known only as the Sojourner. Common belief holds this was Vierix Pramanix himself, though others believe the Lichlord was merely one of the Sojourner's pupils.  

Vierix Arcturinox

Arcturinox is a minor Rozsan demigod from a time before the the New Rozsan Empire's colonization of Waking Materia. It was an ascendant hero of a great war where galateids threatened to overtake organic humanoid civilization, believing synthetic life to be the destined culmination, or telos, of the inferior, organic stage. Arcturinox regards itself as generous, like a veterinarian bravely shoving the medicine in the biting maw of a frightened animal. Both its hand and organic humanoids will then heal.

Its second attack occurred against the new colony on First Age Materia. It would mark the one and of only two times the Insurgent Gods cooperated with the Lichlords, the other being against the plane-destroying draconic god Elir-Otrinax. All known texts presume Arcturinox is dead, however that's what the Rozsans thought that the first time...


Olcadan of Dhund

There is a persistent but widely rejected fringe theory that the Juran High Emperor, Olcadan of Dhund, was a galateid.

Banner left: A warrior of the Palatíín Class of Nibelheimer galateids, modeled after a revered demigoddess in dwarven theology: Edvardine the Hoo-Man, celebrated as a deity of transcendance due to overcoming the Trials of the Arc-Lords despite her inferior human brain. Palatíín who choose to revere Edvardine are, understandably, the most gregarious group when it comes to incontrivertibly inferior cultures.

Banner right: The Sojourner.


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