Reality Corrosion

Reality Corrosion is the common name for a phenomenon in which Duskscape or other Spective creatures experience a slow but steady decline in health when on the Waking or Material side of the Veil. Though such creatures are demiphysical and not often comparable to the flesh-and-blood biology of the Waking World, the phenomenon's results are analogous to the health effects of radiation poisoning or non-localized flesh eating disease. As a result most Duskscape species regard Material reality as an inhospitable backwater not worth visiting.

Though not commonly accepted, there is a theory that all creatures, even Material ones, are affected by reality corrosion; Material bodies are just much more resistant to the phenomenon, and what we call dying of "old age" is simply the end result.

Though the results are moderately understood, the underlying nature of this phenomenon is still unknown.  

Affected Groups

Particular groups well-known to be affected by reality corrosion are incorporeal undead and demons. Chimerae and Estrié seem to be affected but more slowly, leading to theories they are hybrids of Material and Umbral physicality. It is unknown if fae are affected; if not it would lend credence to the idea they are native to the Veil as opposed to the Duskscape.  


Possession or incorporation are the most common solutions to reality corrosion. Necromancers who desire more robust undead will place ghosts in vessels like corpses or full-body armor, resulting in creatures known as zombies and haunted mail, respectively.

Demons will either cross the Veil only in brief episodes or possess Material bodies.

Estrié may be resistant due to being hybrids of Umbral and Material beings, or they understand schools of magic that protect against the effects; either way they're famous for their extended stays in Material reality.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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